Tuesday, November 26, 2019
Free Essays on Founding Brothers, By Joseph J. Ellis Book Review
The opposing ideologies during the post-revolutionary era of individual liberty (the Jeffersonian outlook) versus collective nationalism (the Hamiltonian outlook) had the potential to swallow the infant American union into an abyss of anarchy. As Ellis puts it, â€Å"The politics of the 1790s was a truly cacophonous affair.†(page 16). Similar revolutions in Europe had resulted in postbellum nightmares, where differing parties and ideologies had fought to the death over power. But the American Revolution was a colonial revolution very different than others in that its founders’ acumen allowed them to safely place their opposing ideologies in a governmental structure containing political parties, and thus form a basis of government on healthy debate as opposed to antagonism. Through six stories and themes on specific events in the lives of Hamilton, Burr, Jefferson, Franklin, Washington, Adams, and Madison, â€Å"Founding Brothers†masterfully explains how the fou nders were able to â€Å"contain the explosive energies of the debate†(15), and thereby successfully create what is now the longest and most enduring republic of all time, the United States. Professor Ellis employs a stylistically unique way of presenting and detailing this overwhelmingly massive and often daunting subject of history. He uses stories as his format to capture the personalities, temperaments and dynamic interactions of the leading figures, and he presents them as real people we can relate to, with shortcomings and other imperfections. His purpose is to reveal the unique origin and character of the American Revolution as a colonial revolution very different from others in history and to reveal the origin of how the major ideas and institutions of the United States were decided. The thrust and primary thesis, however, are to show how these political leaders functioned as a collective unit in which each leader contributed a specific strength. This collective balan... Free Essays on Founding Brothers, By Joseph J. Ellis Book Review Free Essays on Founding Brothers, By Joseph J. Ellis Book Review The opposing ideologies during the post-revolutionary era of individual liberty (the Jeffersonian outlook) versus collective nationalism (the Hamiltonian outlook) had the potential to swallow the infant American union into an abyss of anarchy. As Ellis puts it, â€Å"The politics of the 1790s was a truly cacophonous affair.†(page 16). Similar revolutions in Europe had resulted in postbellum nightmares, where differing parties and ideologies had fought to the death over power. But the American Revolution was a colonial revolution very different than others in that its founders’ acumen allowed them to safely place their opposing ideologies in a governmental structure containing political parties, and thus form a basis of government on healthy debate as opposed to antagonism. Through six stories and themes on specific events in the lives of Hamilton, Burr, Jefferson, Franklin, Washington, Adams, and Madison, â€Å"Founding Brothers†masterfully explains how the fou nders were able to â€Å"contain the explosive energies of the debate†(15), and thereby successfully create what is now the longest and most enduring republic of all time, the United States. Professor Ellis employs a stylistically unique way of presenting and detailing this overwhelmingly massive and often daunting subject of history. He uses stories as his format to capture the personalities, temperaments and dynamic interactions of the leading figures, and he presents them as real people we can relate to, with shortcomings and other imperfections. His purpose is to reveal the unique origin and character of the American Revolution as a colonial revolution very different from others in history and to reveal the origin of how the major ideas and institutions of the United States were decided. The thrust and primary thesis, however, are to show how these political leaders functioned as a collective unit in which each leader contributed a specific strength. This collective balan...
Friday, November 22, 2019
Chicago Referencing †Citing a Paper from a Conference
Chicago Referencing – Citing a Paper from a Conference Chicago Referencing – Citing a Paper from a Conference (Author–Date Style) The collected papers from an academic conference are often published as â€Å"conference proceedings.†But how do you cite a paper from a conference in an essay or dissertation? In this post, we look at doing exactly that using Chicago author–date style referencing. In-Text Citations To cite a paper from a conference, give the author’s surname and the year of publication in parentheses at the end of the relevant passage: Gin production increased between 1688 and 1721 (Gordon 2004). If you are quoting a conference paper, moreover, include a page number after a comma: This led to a â€Å"state of moral panic†(Hendrick 1990, 108). If the author is already named in the text, there is no need to repeat this information in the citation. Instead, give the year of publication (and any page numbers) immediately after the author’s surname. Reference List: Published Paper from Proceedings If you have cited a paper taken from published proceedings, use the following format in the reference list at the end of your document: Surname, First Name. Year of Publication. â€Å"Title of Paper.†In Title of Published Proceedings, edited by Editor Name(s), page numbers. City of Publication: Publisher. In practice, then, the reference list entry for a published conference paper would look like this: Gordon, Alexander. 2004. â€Å"Reexamining the Gin Craze.†In Proceedings of the Annual Conference of Historical Beverages, edited by Franciscus Sylvius, 24-31. New York: NYU Press. Reference List: Unpublished Paper from a Conference Occasionally, you may want to cite an unpublished conference paper. This will typically be a paper you saw presented in person or that the author has made available online, but that has not been published in any proceedings. The format to use in your reference list in this case is: Surname, First Name. Year of Presentation. â€Å"Title of Paper.†Presented at Name, Location and Date of Conference. For example, we could present an unpublished conference paper as follows: Hendrick, William. 1990. â€Å"Legal Responses to the London Gin Craze.†Presented at The Annual Conference of Historical Beverages, New York University, New York, 24-27 June 1990.
Thursday, November 21, 2019
Argumentative paper in the fire service Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1500 words
Argumentative paper in the fire service - Essay Example However that is not the view of some other religions, for instance Islam. In Islam topics such as sexuality are not discussed out right openly and are not considered appropriate at all for their teenagers to be taught. However a high school student will not be allowed to graduate unless they take and pass their sex education class. Does sexual education really provide a platform where it helps the teenager; regardless shouldn't the beliefs of a religion be respected first My own parents tried to talk to the dean and principal and tried to explain to them that they do not wish for me to take this class, however to their shock the request was denied. It is amazing since the American culture itself teaches nothing but respect for other cultures. Toleration is taught all through life. No prayers are said specifically since that might violate the practices of another religion. But when it comes to sex education, it is not understandable why this rule cannot be bended for Muslim children. Has it really been proven that a sexual education class actually has helped increase teenage abstinence Or has it actually decreased it Let us take a look at some statistics. According to a survey conducted by the Global Virtual University in 2002, teenagers between the ages of 15 and19, there were 53 out of every thousand teenager getting pregnant in US. United States of America is a country where we pay severe attention to sex education and make sure that it is drilled into our children's heads that it is unsafe to have sex without any protection and that teenage pregnancy are not good for their and their baby's health. The same survey was taken for a completely eastern country, where it is almost unlawful to even discuss anything related to sex, Pakistan. The figure that we see there is that every 50 girls out of 1000 become pregnant. It is not safe or recommended to completely eliminate sex education from schools; however it also not fair to hold children back from graduation ju st on the basis that they didn't attend a sex education class. It should not be mandatory in a society where we respect other religions. Even though the statistics are almost the same in both western and eastern countries, so does this justify the practice to mandate the sex education classes as a requirement for high school graduation "When it comes to opinions about sex, people all too often inhabit different worlds, speak different languages, hold incompatible and widely divergent views. The situation is further complicated by differences compounded by gender, social class, culture and other factors, and by the existence of numerous pressure groups, each with a different agenda, and often each talking at cross-purposes with the others, vying for influence in sec education policy"(Halstead, and Reiss 15). The main concern of making sex education mandatory for every student is that it violates the practices of many cultures and religions. It is not an accepted practice to discuss such issues in many cultures with their young. In the previous paragraph it has been shown that providing sex education and not providing i t has not really made a difference in the statistics of teenage pregnancy. It only varies over a 3%. So than what is to say that sex education is the only way to reform sexual attitudes in a society. "The immigrant Mus- lims are experiencing new pressures, both domestic and foreign,
Tuesday, November 19, 2019
Security Management Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 3500 words
Security Management - Essay Example organizing physical detection, alarm, response, and control systems; for many federal and private occasions and on regular basis. According to Mullins, a central part of the study of organization and management is the development of management thinking and what might be termed management theory. The application of theory brings about change in actual behavior. So when a security specialist starts applying the management theory, he can change the entire behavior of the organization towards security. The Security manager's primary duty involves managing and supervising the security employees. The security programs like personnel, physical, information, or industrial security does need experts in their area of specialization. A security expert in Information system may not handle all the physical security threats. This makes the necessity of security expert in that particular field to operate the security operations in the organization. Just like, risk management, security is also to be managed with reference to its plan, standards and practices. The security mangers who are authoritative to execute this security managers are the ones who are experts in the special fields. In order to avoid, line and staff conflict, many organizations directly hand the responsibility of security management to the person who is expert and specialist in handling the particular security tasks. But the entire security management on its own is a process and needs to be managed by people. Here comes the need for the role of a security manager, to manage the activity of security. Management in its true sense is, a process of getting activities completed efficiently and effectively with and through other people. In criminology, it is very important to study the organizational behavior along with the individual human behavior. Just like as organizational behavior gives an integrated and contingency approach to management, it also gives an edge to perform the security activity to the security specialists. The understanding of organizational behavior will enhance the chances of successful implantation of the security project. The organizational and group behavior dynamics will highlight the areas of concentration basing on scientific foundations. Organization behavior coordinates the diversified range of disciplines. Management in other terms is doing the job in a well-organized, efficient manner, making good use of all resources like, time, money, human resources and the efforts. Also the basic functions of Management are named as Planning, Organizing, Staffing, Directing, Coordinating, Reporting and Budgeting, (Gulick & Urwick 1937) The roles of the manager involve, Interpersonal roles like, Figurehead, Leader, Liaison 2) Informational roles such as Monitor, Disseminator, Spokesperson, 3) Decisional roles Entrepreneur, Disturbance handler, Resource allocating
Saturday, November 16, 2019
The Best Way for Women to Survive Essay Example for Free
The Best Way for Women to Survive Essay â€Å"I hope that she’ll be a foolâ€â€that’s the best thing a girl can be in this world, a beautiful little fool†, Daisy says in the book The Great Gatsby written by F.Scott Fitzerald (20). In her mind, to be foolish is the best way to survive in the 1920’s in America, an era when women are not treated as fairly as men. Based on Nick’s narration, Daisy is an extraordinarily charming, desirable, but careless and selfish character who is married to a wealthy and, powerful, young man named Tom Buchanan. Daisy breaks the promise with Gatsby, as a smart and subtle woman, who only concerns herself with her own benefits. However, she acts superficially as a poor fool since she always lives in her own illusion, and doesn’t know what is she really wants. When Daisy confronts a situation that she needs to make choices between things, she always runs away from them and prefers to keep everything unchanged and controlled, in order to get rid of the pressure, insecurity and conflicts in her deep inside. None but a fool would do such a thing since everyone knows that nothing lasts forever. To marry Tom is what Daisy has to do because she is tired of waiting, waiting for Gatsby to come back. She feels satisfied and secured when she decides to marry Tom. However, on the night before her wedding, Daisy pulls out â€Å"a string of pearls valued at three hundred and fifty thousand dollars†, and wants Jordan â€Å"tell’em all Daisy’s change her mine†, and she â€Å"cried and cried†(91, 92). Finally, â€Å"the pearls were around her neck and the incident was over†only â€Å"half an hour later†(92). After Daisy receives a letter from Gatsby, she does try to change her mind for Gatsby. However, this sudden letter breaks Daisy’s plan. Daisy can’t accept this change because she wants a steady life out of her illusion, which is in her control. As a result, she is married to Tom to finish what she plans to. After the marriage, even though Daisy suffers from the betrayal and abandonment from Tom, she still stays with him. She puts her real feelings away and walks into her â€Å"well-designed† illusory world. For instance, when Tom receives a call from his mistress, he goes inside to pick up the call without a world, Daisy then â€Å"suddenly threw her napkin on the table and excused herself and went into house†(17). In other words, Daisy clearly knows the affair of her husband. She just buries her miserable emotion inside and doesn’t complain. Moreover, on the day when Daisy’s daughter is born, Tom is â€Å"God knows where†(20). This implies one of the causes why Daisy feels â€Å"cynical†about everything and becomes more careless (19). It is torturing that her husband does not stay with her even on the day her daughter was born but what Daisy does is just turning away her head and weeping hopelessly. There is no doubt that Daisy understands her marriage is based on the money. She doesn’t gain happiness even though she gets her so called security and wealth from Tom. Ironically, she pretends that everything is going well and doesn’t face the problems in her life. Isn’t she a fool? Apparently, she just tries to obtain what would make her life easier, without realizing what she really wants. Daisy knows about her life as a certain way: calm and stable. Therefore, she would never choose Gatsby before she met Tom nor after her marriage. When Gatsby requires Daisy to tell Tom she never loves Tom, Daisy cried to Gatsby, â€Å"You want too much. I love you nowâ€â€isn’t that enough?†(158). The word â€Å"cried†vividly exhibits how scared and nervous Daisy is at that time, which also reveals that she doesn’t even know how to deal with the problems that happens beyond her illusion. Additionally, she â€Å"sobs helplessly†and says to Gatsby, â€Å"I did love him onceâ€â€but I loved you too†(159). To keep her marriage with Tom and affair with Gatsby at the same time definitely is a silly, bad idea, which foreshadows that Daisy would have chosen one of them eventually. What’s more, Daisy runs away with Tom after the car accident. After all Gatsby is the one who takes the blame of killing for Daisy, but she neither calls Gatsby nor goes to his funeral. Once again, from the beginning to the end, Daisy never thinks about to elope with Gatsby because she can’t accept the truth: the appearance of Gatsby is about to ruin her life which is supposed to be stable. Daisy realizes that she is living in her illusion, but she is still unwilling to face the truth. After struggling with the conflicts in her mind, she always chooses to escape from the reality. She gets what she wants from Tom, but at the expense of losing her morality and the ability and right of enjoying the true love and pursuing what she wants. As a woman living in 1920s when women are tend to be ignored, Daisy’s destiny can be said as a misery, or tragedy. When Daisy is being lured to go away from husband and family by Gatsby, her marriage is put into the edge and, she is blamed for the affair. Being a product for which the men are fighting further emphasizes that, Daisy’s sadness and all her careless, foolish actions are resulted from the cruel society. From all of Daisy’s sufferings, it is not hard to understand that why she says she wants her daughter to be a little fool at the beginning of the book. Truly, only being a fool can she avoid herself from a ll the unnecessary problems. Work Cited Fitzgerald, F S. The Great Gatsby. 1st ed. Toronto, Ontario: HarperCollins Publishers Ltd, Print.
Thursday, November 14, 2019
Environmental Problems :: essays research papers
Environmental Problems In today’s environment Palm Beach County alone faces many environmental problems, which can turn disastrous if not taken care of. Included in these problems are air pollution, water contamination, and urban explosion. Air pollution is a major factor threatening our health and our environment. Due to the pollutants that circulate in the air, many people can come into contact with cancer causing gases. Atmospheric contaminants are derived from human practices, such as gas from automobiles, factories, and even chimneys. Pollutants do not only cause damage to our health, but they cause damage to the health of plants and animals as well. Sulfur dioxide and nitrogen oxide cause damage to leaves of crop plants and trees when they enter leaf pores. Exposure of leaves to air pollutants can also break down the waxy coating that helps prevent excessive water loss and damage from diseases, pests, drought, and frost. Water pollution is another problem our county faces. There are many causes for water pollution but two general categories exist: direct and indirect contaminant sources. Direct sources include effluent outfalls from factories, waste treatment plants etc., which emit fluids of varying quality directly into urban water supplies. Although these practices are regulated, this doesn't mean that pollutants can't be found in these waters. Indirect sources include contaminants that enter the water supply from soils/groundwater systems and from the atmosphere via rainwater. Soils and groundwater contain the residue of human agricultural practices (fertilizers, pesticides, etc.) and improperly disposed of industrial wastes. The effects of water pollution are varied and can be severe. They include poisonous drinking water, poisonous food animals, unbalanced river and lake ecosystems that can no longer support full biological diversity, deforestation from acid rain, and many other effects. These effects are harmful to everyone either directly or indirectly. It seems as if everywhere you look you either see construction, or a sign confirming construction will soon be present in that particular area. Urban explosion has played a big role in Palm Beach County’s environmental problems. Construction of so many new restaurants and stores has lured many new residents to Palm Beach County. This urban sprout has slowly deteriorated the natural habitat in many areas where entire forests have been cut down in order to make room for homes and new resident areas.
Tuesday, November 12, 2019
Misconceptions of a Tenth-Century Muslim Traveler
Historical and cultural accounts are important documents in order for the next generation to mirror the past and learn from the early people. If such accounts are incomplete and biased, the people being described may be underestimated and the readers may be misled. The essay written by Al Mas'udi on the natives of Oman or the Zanj tribe is one example of a cultural account lacking in information and depth.As a merchant, Al Mas'udi gave a commercialist account of what can be found in Oman. In focusing much on what he could benefit from in the country, he failed to give a truthful observation of the peopleâ€â€their culture, beliefs, and traditions. This narrow point of view by a merchant traveler, if given serious consideration, may be dangerous as it may picture the people of Oman differently.In his essay, the author regarded the sail to the sea of Oman as the most dangerous, saying, â€Å"I do not know of one more dangerous than that of the Zanj.†This introduction could l ead the readers to be disappointed from going to the place because of the danger he stated. Also, Mas’udi used the term Zanj to refer to all the people in Oman, but this is not proper because the word has a connotation that may demean his subjects. Such terms are said to be taboo, just like the term â€Å"Negroes†for Black Americans for this remind the Blacks of their painful past.The journal of Mas’udi also contained misconceptions about the natives of Oman as he pictured them to be like savages who â€Å"do not use [elephants] for war or anything but only hurt and kill them.†This statement is too rude as it depicts a tribe that did not pay respect for animal life, but a tribe that was so cruel and uncivilized.On the positive side, though, the author mentioned that the people had a beautiful language and they had a preacher to teach them about God. However, he said that there were no religious laws, which leads us to asking, what do the preachers preac h aside from the law of their god? Truly, this statement gives a confusion on the people’s beliefs.As a traveler, one thing that Mas’udi must have done was to respect the people he observed and carefully write about them, without missing out on details which could lead the audience to misconceptions.This is similar to the term lesbian which was given a misconception from its original meaning of â€Å"people of Lesbos,†an island where the poet Sappho originated. The term was later given negative interpretation due to interpretations of the author’s poems which depicted platonic love between women. Indeed, we can see, â€Å"A little knowledge is a dangerous thing!†(Pope 1709)Work Citedâ€Å"Lesbos Lived on an Island.†Pearl’s Rainbow Key West. 3 December 2007.. Misconceptions of a Tenth-Century Muslim Traveler Historical and cultural accounts are important documents in order for the next generation to mirror the past and learn from the early people. If such accounts are incomplete and biased, the people being described may be underestimated and the readers may be misled. The essay written by Al Mas'udi on the natives of Oman or the Zanj tribe is one example of a cultural account lacking in information and depth.As a merchant, Al Mas'udi gave a commercialist account of what can be found in Oman. In focusing much on what he could benefit from in the country, he failed to give a truthful observation of the peopleâ€â€their culture, beliefs, and traditions. This narrow point of view by a merchant traveler, if given serious consideration, may be dangerous as it may picture the people of Oman differently.In his essay, the author regarded the sail to the sea of Oman as the most dangerous, saying, â€Å"I do not know of one more dangerous than that of the Zanj.†This introduction could l ead the readers to be disappointed from going to the place because of the danger he stated. Also, Mas’udi used the term Zanj to refer to all the people in Oman, but this is not proper because the word has a connotation that may demean his subjects. Such terms are said to be taboo, just like the term â€Å"Negroes†for Black Americans for this remind the Blacks of their painful past.The journal of Mas’udi also contained misconceptions about the natives of Oman as he pictured them to be like savages who â€Å"do not use [elephants] for war or anything but only hurt and kill them.†This statement is too rude as it depicts a tribe that did not pay respect for animal life, but a tribe that was so cruel and uncivilized.On the positive side, though, the author mentioned that the people had a beautiful language and they had a preacher to teach them about God. However, he said that there were no religious laws, which leads us to asking, what do the preachers preac h aside from the law of their god? Truly, this statement gives a confusion on the people’s beliefs.As a traveler, one thing that Mas’udi must have done was to respect the people he observed and carefully write about them, without missing out on details which could lead the audience to misconceptions. This is similar to the term lesbian which was given a misconception from its original meaning of â€Å"people of Lesbos,†an island where the poet Sappho originated. The term was later given negative interpretation due to interpretations of the author’s poems which depicted platonic love between women. Indeed, we can see, â€Å"A little knowledge is a dangerous thing!†(Pope 1709)Work Citedâ€Å"Lesbos Lived on an Island.†Pearl’s Rainbow Key West. 3 December 2007..
Saturday, November 9, 2019
Ethics Essay Primark Essay
This essay shall look at the cost to human life and lifestyle through the demand of low cost clothing in the UK. This will be undertaken specifically looking at Primark and the Rana Plaza factory collapse in Bangladesh, observed as modern day slavery, having a â€Å"race to the bottom†characteristics, occurring as a consequence of globalisation. This essay will analyse differing ethical approaches including Virtue, Kantian and Utilitarian ethics. An overview of the findings will be given, using the Rana Plaza Factory in Bangladesh as a case study, along with an analysis of Primark’s supply chain. Bangaldesh has for many years has been used for outsourcing, attractive to western clothing companies supply chains due to low costs. Bangladeshi’s economy is almost entirely reliant upon these export sales (80%) in the cloth trade (Jacob, 2012). Given this, it is clear that the Rana Plaza disaster (2013) killing more than 1000 workers did not have only a local effect, but a global one, with it raising many questions. It has been attested that those who died, did so as a consequence of poor operations management. The disaster further served to highlight that conditions of many factories were poor and often illegal. Large fashion brands including Primark, were seemingly happy to ignore such factors, to continue to gain profit, observed by the lack of procedures in place to ensure that standards of health and safety were met. This alongside the knowledge that child labour was often used, has led to many questions regarding irresponsibility of western companies. Despite the cost of life in one of the major disasters (the Rana Plaza collapse) of the fashion industry, Primark has made huge profits (44 % higher than in 2012) highlighting that cost rather than ethics is at the forefront of the stakeholders. The race to the bottom characteristics1 of Bangladesh have facilitated giant western companies, cheaper labour and goods. Furthermore the lack of enforcement of the limited laws and regulations, along with the Bangladesh’s class system, to some extent has allowed large companies to exploit these loopholes, given that Bangladesh’s economy is dependent on the textile industry, worth one billion dollars in 1985 and now estimated to be worth over 20 billion dollars (Young, 2013). What has been debated is whether or companies such as Primark are ensuring, and not just assuming, that all in their supply change are acting ethically. The focus of this study will be on Primark. Fast Fashion â€Å"That bastion of fast fashion, scorned and idolised by the British public – indeed, all of Europe†(Joy, et al., 2012). Fast fashion may be described as inexpensive clothing which mimics catwalk fashion trends, lasting only the trend, thus part of the throwaway culture leading to unsustainability. This is supported by Joy et al. (2012) who express that fashion trends run their course, with today’s styles outdoing yesterdays, with yesterday’s having already been relegated as trash (Joy, et al., 2012), this is Primark’s main business model offering competitive advantage and success. For example, fast fashion results in consumers having at least 30% of unworn clothing (worth  £30 million) with approximately  £140 million of used clothing going to landfill annually (WRAP, 2014). Changing trends have shown that in the 1900s, 15 % was spent on clothing in comparison to 2.8 % (2010), although a greater number of items were purchased with the onset of time, indicating that the majority of purchases were low-cost items. Packard (REF) refers to â€Å"consumerism†in negative way, highlighting the role of advertising in the creation of â€Å"consumption for consumption’s sake â€Å", which leads to mindless consumerism, whereby individuals are â€Å"more wasteful, imprudent, and carefree†in their habits. As a consequence natural resources are utilised unnecessarily at an alarming rate. Therefore indicating that all stakeholders of Primark, including consumers are participants of â€Å"mindless consumerism†. Stakeholder theory Initially, Milton Friedman’s stakeholder theory will be utilised, Friedman is known for his famous quote of â€Å"business of business is business†. He claims that there is one, and only one social responsibility of business, to use it resources and engage in activities designed to increase its profits, so long as it stays within the rules of the game, therefore â€Å"engages in open and free competition without deception or fraud.†REF he furthers this by expressing what does it mean to say that â€Å"business†has responsibilities?, only people have responsibilities. As articulated by Friedman (1970), a corporation is an artificial person and in this sense may have artificial responsibilities, but â€Å"business†as a whole cannot be said to have responsibilities, even in this vague sense’ .Milton. Ref â€Å"The Social Responsibility of Business Is to Increase Its Profits.†New York Times Magazine, 13 September 1970. Identifying that Milton Friedman thinks that businesses should only look at the shareholders in the organisation, their priorities and needs. For instance, as with Primark low prices, to maximise profits for shareholders. Freeman Alternatively, Freeman contradicts Friedman’s theory through the stakeholder theory (Freeman, 1984). Freeman states that business will only maximize profit over the long-term, if it takes into account its social responsibilities Businesses that are seen to ignore the interests of the wider community and to fail to protect society’s welfare will pay in terms of damage to image and reputation. Although it is evident that Freeman’s theory did not hold, as despite the Rana Plaza disaster, and associated unethical practices, Primark has continued to be successful. As Freedman states Primark should not only look at their shareholders interest but should also proactively engage with stakeholders. Responsibilities of supply chains and due diligence Due diligence is the procedure by which companies monitor and review actions of a company, prior to signing a contract. Intrinsically this procedure is used to identify whether the â€Å"business partner†is working to a standard which complies with that required by the investor (Brown et al). Therefore identifying if a company is adhering to its own code of ethics, as they would have prior knowledge of the proposed outsourcer and their standards, allowing them to make an informed choice. This is undertaken by â€Å"best practice†of due diligence, in doing this Primark could obtain information that could be critically evaluated to ensure that their business partners in the supply chain are acting responsibly. Highlighting a lack of due diligence by Primark, in place at the time of the Rana Plaza disaster. Supply chain With the onset of globalisation, many difficulties as well as advantages have arisen. One of the main difficulties associated with globalisation is the lack of visibility and transparency of the supply chain, which may lead to risk, as highlighted by the Chartered Institute of Purchasing and Supply (CIPS) who disclosed that within at least 11 % of UK business, it was highly probable that â€Å"modern slavery†exists within the supply chain. As emphasised by the Rana Plaza collapse, the problems of lack of visibility are inherent, due to extensive supply chains, with many of the associated problems as a consequence undisclosed to buyers. Researched by the CIPS states, ~72% of British supply chain professionals have no visibility of their supply chains beyond the second level with only 11% having complete visibility of the chain (Noble, 2014). It is not understood whether Primark was fully aware of the problems at the Rana Plaza factory, although they could still be considered at fault, due to ineffective checks and monitoring of subcontractors, highlighted by Panorama (date). Alternatively it could be assumed that Primark was indeed aware and was willing to take the risk, for profitability, at what cost? Irresponsible behaviour analysis Fast fashion underpins the entire fashion merchandising industry. Children and adults are used to produce such fashion items, primarily in underdeveloped countries including Bangladesh. These individuals work in very poor, and often dangerous conditions, earning very small amounts of money. In working, the young children are unable to access education. The workers have limited rights and are general thankful to be able to earn any amount of money whatsoever. Western society often views such circumstances as being exploitative and unethical. There are several theories of ethics which have differing viewpoints. These include a Utilitarian, Kantian and Virtue ethics. Utilitarian ethics relate to benefiting the majority of society, focussing not upon individuals but a collective whole. Many businesses utilise this approach as a basis to provide guidelines for ethical decision making for the greater good. The outcome is that the majority of stakeholders benefit. Utilitarianism looks to fi t well into a company’s business strategy, connecting ethical responsibility with business and society, in their focus of striving and justifying their approach as being for the greater good for the majority Gustafson, 2013).. Therefore from a consequential (Utalitarian approach) perspective, whereby an act is deemed to be right or wrong, is judged using two principles. Initially determining the outcome, with the proviso that the greatest good for the greatest number of individuals is attained, limiting harm and maximising overall good (Hartman & DesJardins, 2011). Therefore from a consequentialist viewpoint Primark did not appropriately undertake a cost versus benefit analysis, by not accounting for their lenient attitude in respect of their suppliers. Knowledge of poor working and safety conditions were widely known prior to the collapse of the Rana Plaza (BBC News, 2013), indicating that Primark had no regard with respect to risk factors, that could be caused by the absence of due diligence. Therefore, Primark did not act ethically, from a consequentialist viewpoint, exploiting workers for financial gain and simultaneously failing to achieve â€Å"the greatest good†for the â€Å"greatest num bers†. However, if the example of workers at the Rana Plaza factory is considered, working on behalf of Primark, it may be seen that these stakeholders suffered at the hands of a Utilitarian approach. This is due to the main driver of Primark’s business being profitability, along with a demand for cheap clothing by UK consumers, therefore the greater good does not incorporate the workers in the factories, paid low wages to keep production costs down. Despite this, it may be argued that without work, those effectively excluded from Utilitarian ethics would be left in an even more difficult position, having no finances whatsoever. Since Capitalist societies in general dominate the fast fashion market, the actions of these corporations must be evaluated and the significance of their impact considered. Given that such corporations are driven primarily by profit, many may suggest that the lack of provision of education and improved living and working conditions, is indicative of the fact that company’s do not consider if their actions are moral or not. Instead they do what they want, without thought of the negative impacts, to drive their goal, in Primark’s case the provision of cheap fashionable clothing. This is a clear demonstration of a company taking a Utilitarian approach, marginalising the minority whilst providing for the majority. However, from a deontological viewpoint, whereby dutiful obligation plays the greatest role, in which regardless of consequence all individuals are expected to do â€Å"the right thing†, with these actions deemed to be ethical, only if they have the possibility to become general law (Fisher et al., 2013). In order to be a part of society, there are accepted social norms and laws that individuals must follow (Stanwick & Stanwick, 2014). Primark (supposedly) partakes in the following of societal norms, clearly stated within their ethical guidelines (2011), where they explicitly state amongst other norms, that Primark will not tolerate either unsafe or unhygienic working environments? Despite the inclusion of these norms within their guidelines, their failure to adhere to them is clearly visible. Despite Primark’s duty to do the â€Å"right thing†, they did not, from a deontological ethics viewpoint. Had Primark acted ethically in a deontological way, consideration of workers well-being, happiness and other rights would have been considered. Likewise Kantian ethics (1785), have the expectation that individuals are able to distinguish right from wrong, based on an individual’s beliefs and moral, not via legal laws. It is clear that no individual would consider working 19 hour shifts for very low wages an acceptable scenario, and allowing individuals to do so in the factories of Bangladesh, brings into question Primark’s ethical judgement, or lack of, based on Kantian ethics. However Kantian ethics is seen as opposing Utilitarianism, its core values emphasise treating employees as individuals, having equal value. Furthering this, Kantian ethics incorporates within its ethos that employees should not be treated ‘as a means to an end’ (Driver, 2006) and that each should have individual rights, whilst not being viewed only as a source of labour (Smith and Dubbink, 2011). The Kantian approach involves the decision-maker being detached from personal motives when making a judgement (Smith and Dubbink, 2011). In this approach, no external factors are considered. However, due to the personal emphasis on profit in the current climate, companies are unable to detach themselves from the personal motive of profit and cannot adhere to Kantian ethics (Driver, 2006). Virtue ethics focus on personal characteristics and whether or not they acted in a virtuous manner when making a decision (Driver, 2006). â€Å"Justice and generosity†are often agreed to be such traits that are employed to pursue good practice (Audi, 2012). Paralleling this to a company, a company would be deemed virtuous, and therefore acting ethically, if their intention was to achieve a caring environment and general positivity of employees, rather than maximising profits alone. Once again, Primark based on virtue ethics is not observed, acted with no regard to safety or well-being. Recent initiatives to improve due diligence in the supply chain have been undertaken as a consequence of the Rana Plaza disaster, however consequential actions do not follow the rules of virtue ethics, actions must be commonly practiced. Evaluation of ethical theories and Primark Adam Smith states that â€Å"It is not from the benevolence of the butcher, the brewer or the baker, that we expect our dinner, but from their regard to their own interest†. (1776, Wealth of Nations PAGE NUMBER). He attests that in engaging in self-interest that individuals also bring about greater good for the society as a whole. Smith furthers this in expressing that should an invisible hand be guiding the economy, then competitive producers would produce goods required at the lowest cost, leading to a self-regulatory economy, a free market. There are limited regulations with regards to Health and Safety in particular, in Bangladesh in comparison to the UK. Had Health and Safety been at the level of UK standards, with workers not having been used as a means to an end, as described by Kant, it is unlikely that the Rana Plaza tragedy would have occurred. However, in respect of a Utilitarian approach and cost-base analysis, without cheap labour, working in poor conditions, the outcome would not have been as required and consumers would not obtain cheap fast fashion goods, nor would shareholders resultantly be rewarded as expected. In this respect as the greater good is generally attained, individuals in Bangaldesh have employment, shareholders have profits and consumers have the latest cheap fast fashion. Therefore it may be criticised that no moral/ethical behaviour is taken into consideration within Smith’s theory (Mill, n.d.). Based on Kant’s theory it may be argued that the above scenario is in fact unethical, as the workers’ rights are not taken into consideration and that they are viewed only as a means to an end (Bowie, 2002), prioritising productivity and therefore profits, whilst viewing the employee only as a form of labour. When comparing a Kantian viewpoint to that of an Utalitarian perspective, then the Kantian standpoint does not consider a situation to be unethical even if it is for the greater good, as in the case of an Utalitarian approach. Furthermore any gains made by a company that are achieved through any activity which does not take an employee’s rights into consideration is regarded as unethical (Bowie, 2002). However, for some consumers ethical responsibility of a company may influence whether they purchase a product, which may af fect profitability and could also affect brand and brand image. Damage to a brand is often irreversible. However, in the case of Primark after the factory collapse, due to unsafe and unethical practices; for example workers were locked in, unable to escape, luckily this potentially disastrous impact on brand image, had in reality little impact. Initially there was uproar and disgust expressed by western society, although this negative and damaging event slowly faded from the press and media, and rapidly from the minds of the consumer. Therefore highlighting that western consumers, although horrified and shocked about the conditions, seem not to care and have no moral stance and may be described as egoethical. Egoethical characteristics include self-interest without consideration of the consequences of the demand for cheap goods. Given the recent increase in interest regarding business ethics, it may be deemed that having an â€Å"ethical†business can lead to competitive advantage, attracting business from â€Å"ethical†consumers. Although in reality this may be a tool, used solely for the purpose of increasing profits rather than benefiting employees (Schwartz, 2011). The power of business in today’s society along with the time individuals spend in employment, necessitates the need for an ethical environment ( Mishra & Crampton, 1998) . Primark’s response and actions to improve ethics Balch (2013) expresses that companies are ethically responsible to deal with problems when and wherever they are highlighted. Ruggies (2010) framework in respect of human rights and business advocates that if a ‘problem’ arises within the supply chain, the inclusion of this part of the supply chain must be considered in respect of a company’s Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) to define whether inclusion is crucial. Should it be considered crucial, the company must seek to safeguard that ethical practices are improved, if not critical, an alternative should be sought. Primark based on a consequentialist perspective as mentioned earlier, plays a large role in Bangladesh’s economy, by the employment of many workers as part of its supply chain, with this it may be argued that Primark is supporting a reduction in poverty rates. Additionally as described by Primark’s Ethical Trading (2013), 85% of its Bangladeshi workforce are female, offering oppor tunity and developing their independence. Consequently it may be argued that if Primark removed its outsourcing from Bangladesh elsewhere, this would be extremely detrimental, and would add to the high numbers already living below the national poverty line , 49.8 % in 2002 (ILO, 2009), highlighting that despite many ethical reservations Primark impacts the country and the people of Bangladesh in a positive way. From a deontological perspective, almost immediately after then Rana Plaza disaster Primark was seen to be improving, observed by Primark’s assessment of structural integrity of the factories and also via their joining the Accord on Fire and Building Safety (Bangladesh Accord, 2013). Furthermore Primark later terminated contracts with factories that were investigated and were considered at risk of collapse. Primark attests that there is due diligence throughout its supply chain which is undertaken irrespective of consequence. From a virtuous perspective Primark immediately acknowledged its responsibility and responded instantaneously to the catastrophe of the Rana Plaza collapse (providing financial and food aid to victims and their relatives), in comparison to other major fashion chains also using the factory (Primark, 2013). Primark’s actions were virtuous, in that not only did they support â€Å"their†workers (and relatives), they supported those employed by other fashion chains within the Rana Plaza factory. Additionally it may be seen tthat Primark is working towards provision of improved well-being and education via projects such as their Health Enables Returns (HERproject) for female employees (Primark, 2011), enabling employees to have a better standard of living. Furthermore Primark is working towards suppliers increasing wages to give employees a â€Å"living wage†and to improve working conditions (Siegle, 2013). Conclusion Having evaluated and analysed Primark’s responsibilities and ethical considerations regarding their contribution to the Rana Plaza disaster, primarily based on a lack of due diligence in the supply chain, using a wide variety of ethical theories, that presented a variety of perspectives. These have highlighted that Primark’s ethical standards were deficient and questionable, however subsequently Primark has identified its poor practice and is working towards sustainability, via a variety of ethical considerations, improving overall standards for its employees in the supply chain, demonstrating positive CSR. Although to what extent Primark may achieve and sustain these goals in the future, whilst still focussing on profitability may be uncertain.
Thursday, November 7, 2019
Spanish Prepositions De and Desde
Spanish Prepositions De and Desde Because they can both mean from, the Spanish prepositions desde and de are easily confused. And the fact that they sometimes are interchangeable - for example, both de aquà al centro and desde aquà al centro can be used for from here to downtown. - doesnt help matters. When to Use Desde However, as a general rule, it can be said that desde more strongly indicates motion from a location. To give two examples, desde commonly would be used in sentences such as Echà ³ el libro desde el coche (he threw the book from the car) and Corrià ³ desde la playa (he ran from the beach). It can similarly be used where the emphasis is on the original location rather than the destination. Desde also is used with other prepositions: desde arriba (from above), desde dentro (from inside), desde abajo (from underneath). Note that these phrases tend to indicate motion from the specified area. It is also common with time phrases. When to Use De There are numerous cases where de, not desde, must be used to translate from. Many of those are instances wherein the translation of can be substituted for from, even if awkwardly. Examples: Soy de los Estados Unidos. (Im from the United States. Im of the United States.) Sacà ³ el dinero de la bolsa. (She took the money from the purse. She took the money of the purse.) Sometimes the preposition por can be used to mean from: Est debilitado por hambre. (He is weak from hunger.) Sample Sentences Using De and Desde To Mean 'From' You can see more about how these prepositions are used in these sentences: Desde aquà se ve todos los sitios turà sticos. (From here all the tourist sites are seen. Here, the emphasis is on the place to be in order to see the sites.)Desde siempre he sabido que la mà ºsica era algo muy importante. Since forever I have known that music is something very important. Desde siempre is a fairly common time phrase.)Esculpià ³ la estatua de piedra muy cara. (She sculpted the statue from very expensive stone. From in the translation could substitute for of.)Desde hace un aà ±o hasta dos meses, mi amiga estaba a cargo de la programacià ³n de la red. (From a year ago until two months ago, my friend was in charge of network programming. This is another example of desde in a time expression.) ¡Encuentra excelentes ofertas de vuelos desde Nueva York a Ciudad de Mà ©xico y ahorra con el mejor precio! (Find excellent sales of flights from New York to Mexico City and save with the best price! The flight involves motion from New York City.)El actor famoso dijo que sufrià ³ de depresion y adicciones. (The famous actor said he suffered from depression and addictions. De is used for from when the preposition is used to state the cause of something.) Mi novio es de un familia rica. (My boyfriend is from a rich family. From here could be substituted with of.)El presidente vivià ³ de 1917 a 1962. (The president lived from 1917 to 1962. De is used with the time element.)
Tuesday, November 5, 2019
Free Online Public Schools for California Students
Free Online Public Schools for California Students California offers resident students the opportunity to take online public school courses for free. Below is a list of no-cost online schools currently serving elementary and high school students in California. In order to qualify for the list, schools must meet the following qualifications: classes must be available completely online, they must offer services to state residents, and they must be funded by the government. Virtual schools listed may be charter schools, state-wide public programs, or private programs that receive government funding. List of California Online Charter Schools and Online Public Schools California Virtual AcademiesChoice 2000Insight School of California - Los AngelesPacific View Charter School - Serving San Diego, Riverside, Orange, and Imperial Counties About Online Charter Schools and Online Public Schools Many states now offer tuition-free online schools for resident students under a certain age (often 21). Most virtual schools are charter schools; they receive government funding and are run by a private organization. Online charter schools are subject to fewer restrictions than traditional schools. However, they are reviewed regularly and must continue to meet state standards. Some states also offer their own online public schools. These virtual programs generally operate from a state office or a school district. State-wide public school programs vary. Some online public schools offer a limited number of remedial or advanced courses not available in brick-and-mortar public school campuses. Others offer full online diploma programs. A few states choose to fund â€Å"seats†for students in private online schools. The number of available seats may be limited and students are usually asked to apply through their public school guidance counselor. Choosing a California Online Public School When choosing an online public school, look for an established program that is regionally accredited and has a track record of success. Be wary of new schools that are disorganized, are unaccredited, or have been the subject of public scrutiny. For more suggestions on evaluating virtual schools see how to choose an online high school.
Saturday, November 2, 2019
Comparative criminal justice Assignment Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words - 2
Comparative criminal justice - Assignment Example The rulings of the lower courts can be appealed in the highest court –the Federal Court of Justice. The judges of local courts are tasked with hearing of prosecutions that lead to a sentence of not more than one year, whereas cases deemed to be more serious or leading to a sentence of up to three years, the local court judges are assisted by two lay judges who are equivalent of a jury in the common law system. Criminal cases which have sentences of more than three years are heard in a Land Court and presided over by three judges assisted by six lay judges. Cases such as genocide or treason, and appeals from lower courts are heard in a Land court of appeal, and are presided by a five judge bench. Japan’s criminal justice system, the penal code is based on the German model and are, therefore, very similar. The criminal procedure code guarantees the right of the accused and seems to be more accusatorial despite the fact that the judge is still allowed to question witnesses, and decide cases based on the evidence presented by both plaintiff and defendant. On the other hand, Saudis criminal justice system is based on the sharia, specifically the Hanbali school of Sunni Islam (Fairchild and Dammer 65). This system gave prominence to the beliefs and sayings of Muhammad, the prophet and Islam traditions. Crimes such as homicide, adultery, theft, personal injury, and so on, are defined carefully with penalties prescribed for each. As opposed to the German model or the common law, crimes such as homicide are considered crimes against a person not society, and as such the state administers justice on its own liking. In fact, victim’s family or the victim has the right to prescribe punishment or grant clemency. As opposed to German and Japanese criminal justice system, the Saudi criminal justice systems are based on concepts that are
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