Tuesday, December 24, 2019
The Sentencing Phase Of A Criminal Case - 902 Words
Sentencing After a defendant is convicted or pleads guilty, a judge will then decide a suitable punishment (or sentence) during the sentencing phase of a criminal case. There are varying outcomes that can influence sentencing offenders, they can range from probation and community service to prison and even the death penalty. Minor infractions, misdemeanors, or offenders who plead guilty usually get sentenced almost immediately after ones convictions. In complex criminal cases such as serious felonies, the sentencing judge will usually receive input from the probation department which prepares a pre-sentence report with recommendations. Prosecutors and the defense will also speak to the judge regarding to ones convictions. There are several factors that a judge can choose from when determining a criminal sentence. These include: Does the offender have prior criminal history; Was the offender an accessory or the main offender; Was the offender under any personal stress or duress when the crime wa s committed; Was anyone injured; Was the offender cruel to a victim, or destructive in nature, did the offender display remorse or regret for crimes. However, not every conviction means a trip to prison. Judges in most cases have a great deal of discretion when determining a sentence. Some of these alternative sentences can include suspended sentences, community service, probation, deferred adjudication, and even fines or restitution. Furthermore, multiple sentences can be servedShow MoreRelatedThe Criminal Justice System Of The United States Constitution1184 Words  | 5 Pagescommitting a crime. In an attempt to balance this authority the United States Constitution guarantees a number of inalienable rights to protect its citizens against tyrannical government power. 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Monday, December 16, 2019
The Bizarre Secret of University of Texas Admission Essay Samples
The Bizarre Secret of University of Texas Admission Essay Samples Nevertheless, you don't necessarily have to make a locker, or utilize it should you've created it. At a big university you're only a number to some folks, and you are able to get lost in the crowd. As your oldest child starts to complete her college application, it's difficult not to feel a rising panic. Please be aware, students employing federal educational benefits are qualified for in-state tuition prices. We supply endless opportunities to learn in the classroom, but in addition an immense array of clinics and internships that allow you to learn in hands-on fashion. Size-wise, the programs are alike. Our study-abroad programs offer you many opportunities to study in other nations, too. You should talk to your high school counselor if you are not sure which test to take. TCU does not demand you to submit scores from any SAT Subject Tests, though you may desire to do so in the event you feel they will b oost your application for admission. Please click on any of the next degrees for extra program specific admission requirements. Naturally, but not only do you wish to extend your years on earth, you need to live well! It's available to see and print by January 31 of every year. It is starting to look like it! All students must do independent research as a portion of their degrees, and a few must have a foreign language program. Actually, a superior personal essay topic often fits within the boundaries of multiple Common App essay prompt alternatives. You are going to have more essays to write, and a fantastic essay takes time! Don't have somebody else write your essay, and don't wait to compose your essay. An excellent essay will reveal that you're the sort of person who can bounce back and learn from an experience. Requesting FedEx delivery doesn't guarantee priority processing of your purchase. Other delivery services might be used if you make arrangements ahead of tim e. New Questions About University of Texas Admission Essay Samples Just like with anything else these days, the world wide web has an unbelievable amount of sites with samples of various sorts of admission essays. Furthermore, you will understand a thumbnail of the native speakers who respond to every exercise. Have a way of rotating and editing video, that folks feel like they belong to a group. The very first place you need to search for sample personal statements is on the site of the school in which you are trying to enter. The University of Texas Admission Essay Samples Game Maybe you'll teach your floor-mates about exactly what makes for an excellent ice breaker. The most significant thing is that the premise of their endeavor to consider the planet, in an amount of maturity and caring. The End of University of Texas Admission Essay Samples In the center of the controversy, Ferguson's critics brought to light a variety of irregularities on the portion of the governo r. This very first question is broad and offers you lots of latitude. There are a lot of house traditions and events connected with each home. After you are in possession of a sufficient amount of information and many personal statement samples to reference you are able to then sit down and start to put down your thoughts for your statement. Food is another benefit of attending a huge university. With over 65 national chapters, the university's Greek community is among the country's largest. The Regents, though, can choose to allocate extra amounts to the university. As may be expected from one of the greatest universities in the planet, Stanford is highly competitive. With distinctive sand-coloured, red-roofed buildings, Stanford's campus is believed to be among the most beautiful on the planet. Colleges and universities wouldn't exist without students so the task of the college admissions office is important to the diversity and financial health of any university. If necessary, forms might be found on the UTSA site. This information isn't designed to be comprehensive and is subject to change. CAP students who opt to remain at UTSA rather than transfer to UT Austin should finish a form indicating they are opting from the joint program. Click the links below to find out more about these programs.
Sunday, December 8, 2019
Communication and Negotiation for Organizations - myassignmenthelp
Question: Discuss about theCommunication and Negotiationfor Organizations and Communities. Answer: The given scenario reflects a conflict which has arose due to the difference in race and culture. Conflict takes place when there is a strong difference or clash of values, intentions or interests in groups, organizations, communities or among individuals. The reason behind conflict is the failure to meet with the basic needs or when there is any interference or obstruction in the attainment of a goal. Conflict is directly proportional to interaction in the life of human beings. Conflict is a common part of workplace just like the given situation. In this scenario, the outcome of workplace conflict resulted in absenteeism. In order to deal with the conflict, the certainty of conflict should be accepted (Blok 2014). It is not a wise decision to avoid conflict but it is important to stay calm and cool and maintain the moral ground. As a mediator, it is essential to resolve the conflict between the two colleagues rather than winning the situation. It is an absolute necessity to remove t he emotional reasons in a conflict. The techniques include appealing to the super ordinate goals and expansion of the available resources. Altering the human variables and physical environment is regarded as another essential factor besides using integrated devices. One must change the reward systems by using the policies and procedures and having proper training in interpersonal skills. By applying this technique the relationship and bond between the co- workers will become stronger which will result in increasing self- respect. Being a mediator, it is important to keep the issue of cultural and racial difference in mind which will lead to their personal growth and development. Once the conflict will be resolved, the efficiency and effectiveness in workplace will increase which will result in creative thinking, synergy and successful collaboration. In this particular situation, one of the colleague involved in the conflict tried to satisfy his own interests at others expense (Chane y and Martin 2013). To handle this situation, the mediator must follow the five strategies of negotiation process- preparation and planning, definition of ground rules, clarification and justification, bargaining and problem solving and closure and implementation. Preparation and planning refers to the awareness about the conflict before starting negotiation. It involves the history of the people involved and what do they perceive about the negotiation of the conflict. When the first step is completed, the role of the mediator is to start defining the basic rules and policies with the opponent party who is involved in negotiation. The place, time, limitation of issues, will be discussed along with the specific process that will be followed while negotiating. This process will also involve the primary proposals and demands of the two parties involved. The third step includes elucidation, intensification, rationalization, encouragement and validation of their individual demands (Clements 2015). It involve s confrontation from both the ends. It can be considered as an opportunity to teach and inform and give a lesson to each other on the important issues and they came to the original demands. This step can be supported by giving authentic documentation to another party. Negotiation process gains full momentum with the give and take process to sort out the argument by means of a proper bargain. Here comes the process of concession that is done by both the parties. The process of negotiation is summed up by formalizing the agreement that has been made and developed with the essential procedures of execution and monitoring. In the case of major negotiations, formal contract must be made to keep the specific points in mind. All the steps of this negotiation process take into account the parties by bargaining in an orderly way to settle on the allotment of narrow resources and maintain each others concern. By negotiating the process of given conflict between the two colleague, they will be able to give their best as a team like they used to do before. She will be able to relieve of her stress and become a regular employee as usual (Clohisy, Yaszemski and Lipman 2017). The ambience of segregation and omission that she felt by her colleague as a result of the conflict will evaporate and she will be able to do her work in comfort. The conflict gave way to absenteeism because they did not sit together to work on the issue and find a solution. There was an air of mistrust, miscommunication and misunderstanding which grew enough to make it a serious issue. The involvement of the mediator helped in smooth clearance of the clash (Ebner 2017). To understand the negotiating style for an organization in UAE it is important to have an idea about the difference between international and domestic cultural negotiations. It is required to focus on the method by which culture affects the dynamics of negotiation. Studies have shown that culture affects the negotiation outcomes but it might not be direct and has an impact in the process of cross- cultural negotiation. It can be contradicted that the outcomes in intra- cultural negotiations are better than cross- cultural negotiations. In the given scenario, it is mentioned that negotiations in an individual culture like USA do not tend to have integrated outcome compared to the collectivist culture in Japan. The negotiation tactics and the tolerance level vary from one culture to another. For instance, in UAE the key qualities in negotiation are respect, loyalty and relationships. They do not prefer disagreeing to any kind of situation and for them it is inappropriate deny directly (Kurtz, Silverman and Draper 2016). The values of loyalty, trust, respect and relations are superior to decision making and have a major impact on the process of negotiation. It might happen that when people are dealing with higher authority or someone royal, they become submissive. As the Arabians cannot tolerate any direct denial, they might be unwilling to entrust themselves with any work if the outcome of negotiation is not assured. On the contrary, direct rejection is not acceptable as it is offensive. Therefore, for an organization in UAE, face- to- face business is preferred as it is prefaced and soft- pedaled. This avoids any kind of confrontation and no members face any kind of disrespect. They prefer to leave their work in Gods will and thus, keep on repeating the phrase Insha Allah. They are the original traders and businessmen and prosper in strong bargaining and negotiation for each and every business deal. They highlight their products more than the services because they have a belief that good services comes in handy with a good product. For the organizations in UAE, oral communication is preferable than written communication (Lane et al. 2013). This is the reason why the agreements get the final call after the members have left the situation. Before that, the negotiation process is kept open even though the contract is signed. The transitory nature of some of the employees in UAE leads to discontinuity of a project within the organization. The committee people lose inter est in the process and commencement of negotiation becomes a difficult task. UAE has transformed itself from a nil and raw economy to a significant investment opportunity. In spite of the economic slowdown, they have flourished their business with a booming economy. Their foreign direct investment flourished as a result of that because it invited foreign investors. One needs to be tricky as well as witty in order to go for any kind of business transaction with the Arabian countries. Therefore, to close any deal with UAE by negotiating, it is important to understand their culture clearly. It is an essential aspect to gain the trust of the partners by keeping their religious beliefs and respecting them. Maintaining a modest dress code is important throughout the region of Arab especially for women, to create a good impression. It is better to maintain a formal and professional dress code (Markowitz and Rubin 2016). It is important to show gratitude when they offer refreshment or it mi ght offend them. The Arabians are conservative in social terms and follow a specific type of linguistic ritual. There are some major criteria which can be followed in order to attain a successful negotiation with UAE. One needs to be flexible and adapt to any kind of situation. It is important to have a clear strategy while negotiating with them. To achieve success in UAE, it is required to keep a constant tab on the business operational activities. They believe in traditional family values more than business relationships. So it is better to establish personal relationship with the clients of UAE which requires regular care and nourishment. It will be the last day for any outstation client if he becomes impatient with an Arabian because they are very reluctant when it comes to being punctual. They prefer courtesy or small gestures like offering small discount or extra incentive and believe in a successful negotiation for the best deal. The Arabians cannot be happier if the deal starts with a concession (McFadden 2014). This will make them realize that their negotiating partner is flexible wit h the operating margins. When it comes to signing a contract with an Arabian client, it is important to clear obligations on both ends and mention about verbal agreement in it. Section 02 To ask the supervisor for a raise, it is important to use the written communication in the form of e-mail. It is a sensitive issue which needs to be under direct observation of the supervisor and therefore the mail needs to be written in a formal way. It must be kept in mind that there are barriers or noise in the path of effective communication. The mail that will be sent to the supervisor must be free from grammatical and spelling error as it will reflect a negative impression on the part of the employee. The mail needs to be written using easy words or it will pose a language barrier in effective communication (Mircic? 2014). The subject in the mail should be clearly stated or it will make the supervisor confused about the request for a raise. The request for the raise should be made in such a moment when the supervisor is free from the workload or not involved in a meeting. a) With the increasing diversity in the workplace, it has become absolutely necessary to maintain effective forms of communication. Before proceeding with communication, the race, culture and ethnicity of the colleague must be kept in mind without hurting his sentiment in any way. In this way, the employees of different background will be able to exist in harmony and work efficiently. It will boost their morale, productivity and dedication by communicating in both ways in the organization (Mustapha et al. 2016). b) The sending and receiving of non- verbal messages has a great impact in a diverse workplace. It is important in describing the shared sign between the people which includes expression, gesture and posture. Facial expressions are more or less similar in various cultures unlike language. These are convenient in a workplace because it is not possible for everyone to know the language of other countries. But non verbal communication can take many forms and its effectiveness in a global market sometimes becomes the turning point of understanding. People from low context culture depend on precise verbal communication. So, it can be expected from the person of low- context culture that he will know a lot about another person. It implies that a lot of information is shared in detail through the messages and there is no scope of keeping anything hidden. In a low context culture the relationships tend to start and end in a hurry because things are done by maintaining procedures keeping in mind the goal to be achieved. The use of non- verbal messages is less in low- context cultural interaction (Norbury 2014). The verbal words are given more importance than the context. The communication that will take place between the two people in the given situation will exchange ideas, information and opinions. Upward communication is not used much as a student in school for the professor or as an employee in the office. There was an instance when I used upward communication in school for protesting against the issue of racism in my class. I was among those few who stood up for the poor victim of racism but did not get any justice. This unexpected outcome drew me away from the decision of contacting the higher authorities. I developed an idea that upward communication is not as effective as downward communication (Roloff 2014). The most frustrating barrier to communication is the lack of attention, interest, distractions and irrelevance on the part of the receiver. It seems like an insult to the sender when his messages are not received properly at the other end. To mitigate this barrier, the sender must use variations in the mode of communication that he is using so that the receiver can grab the object of attraction in the content (Stokoe 2014). The horizontal and diagonal communications are difficult to attain because there are less control over information and coordination is not maintained. The effectiveness in these types of communication is lower than upward and downward communication because the people involved are not compelled to reply or revert back. For an organization, it is recommended to use upward and downward communication because without a communication between the superior and his subordinate an organization cannot function. This communication helps in maintaining a good relationship between the management and the employees which leads to organizational discipline and effective decision- making (Ting?Toomey 2015). Reference Blok, V., 2014. Look who's talking: responsible innovation, the paradox of dialogue and the voice of the other in communication and negotiation processes.Journal of Responsible Innovation,1(2), pp.171-190. Chaney, L. and Martin, J., 2013.Intercultural business communication. Pearson Higher Ed. Clements, J., 2015. TU?CD?213?02: Communication, Negotiation, and Persuasion: Approaches for Better Results.Medical physics,42(6), pp.3598-3598. Clohisy, D.R., Yaszemski, M.J. and Lipman, J., 2017. Leadership, Communication, and Negotiation Across a Diverse Workforce*: An AOA Critical Issues Symposium.JBJS,99(12), p.e60. Ebner, N., 2017. Communication in Negotiation. Kurtz, S., Silverman, J. and Draper, J., 2016.Teaching and learning communication skills in medicine. CRC press. Lane, H.C., Hays, M.J., Core, M.G. and Auerbach, D., 2013. Learning intercultural communication skills with virtual humans: Feedback and fidelity.Journal of Educational Psychology,105(4), p.1026. Markowitz, M.S. and Rubin, M.E., 2016. Day 3-Creative Collaborations II: Workshop on Trust, Communication, and Negotiation. McFadden, D., 2014. Culture, Business Negotiation and Mediation: Understanding Cultural Differences, Communication Styles and Finding Mutual Understanding.Asian Dispute Review,16(3), pp.132-136. Mircic?, N., 2014. Constructive communication in effective negotiation.Analysis and Metaphysics,13, pp.64-72. Mustapha, M., Rogers, E.A., Duffy, B. and Gladding, S., 2016, May. GENDER MATTERS: ASSESSING DISPARITIES AND PROMOTING EQUITY THROUGH IMPROVED RESIDENT COMMUNICATION, LEADERSHIP, AND NEGOTIATION. InJOURNAL OF GENERAL INTERNAL MEDICINE(Vol. 31, pp. S821-S822). 233 SPRING ST, NEW YORK, NY 10013 USA: SPRINGER. Norbury, C.F., 2014. Practitioner review: Social (pragmatic) communication disorder conceptualization, evidence and clinical implications.Journal of Child Psychology and Psychiatry,55(3), pp.204-216. Roloff, M.E., 2014. 9 Negotiation and communication: Explication and research questions.Interpersonal Communication,6, p.201. Stokoe, E., 2014. The Conversation Analytic Role-play Method (CARM): A method for training communication skills as an alternative to simulated role-play.Research on Language and Social Interaction,47(3), pp.255-265. Ting?Toomey, S., 2015. Identity negotiation theory.The International Encyclopedia of Interpersonal Communication.
Sunday, December 1, 2019
Instructions to Art Faculty for Completing the Out Essays
Instructions to Art Faculty for Completing the Outline of Faculty Data (OFD) How to use this document: . Insure that the Word feature "Comments" is on. There are instructions and tips within the document to help you. How you access Comments depends on the version of Word that you have. . Throughout this template formatted, placeholder text in NON-bold parentheses is to be replaced with the required information. Just swipe (select) the placeholder text, including the parentheses, and type in your content. Be careful not to swipe anything beyond the parentheses or you may adversely affect the formatting. If you are copying and pasting type from another document, or from within the OFD, a clipboard icon will appear near where you have pasted. Click on the icon and select "Match Destination Formatting" to apply the correct formatting. Anything that is outside of parentheses is to be left as is, and answered where required. When a category does not apply to you type N/A. Delete unused placeholder text. When entering data in tables, if you require additional rows for more entries select the existing last row and then select from the main menu: Table>Insert>Rows Below. . Whenever possible use columned lists or bulleted lists. Fewer pages in the OFD are preferable to more pages, so save space when possible. Use rhetorical, descriptive text only when required. However, the contents of columned-lists or bulleted-lists may also include more than just the facts; text describing the listed item may be helpful. In categories that might use either, or both, lists and rhetorical text, a placeholder version of both has been provided. The version of placeholder text in a given category is what is the most likely version required. If, however, you require something different, feel free to copy and paste another version of placeholder text. Not all categories require a separate column of dates or a column just for international, national, or regional. These columned-lists are most appropriate for certain categories under research and service, which is why you won't find them elsewhere. . You do NOT enter anything in the Teaching sub-category, "Teaching as Evaluated by Students and Peers". Copies of your teaching evaluations will be added to your folder by the art office. . Place published reviews of YOUR work in the Research sub-category, "Honors Received and Recognition for Research, Scholarship, Creative Activity:". Rather than follow the prior departmental practice of creating a new and additional category titled "Bibliography", just include reviews, acknowledgments, or mention of your research or creative activity in the existing category "Honors Received and Recognition for Research, Scholarship, Creative Activity". Outline of Faculty Data I. General Information (Swipe this and type your name here) Department of Art (Swipe this and type your present rank here) Date of Last Promotion: Years Experience at MTSU: Total Years of Experience: Tenured: (Swipe this and type Yes or No) Date Tenure Received: II. Education Earned Degrees: Degree: Year Awarded: Institution: |(Example) |(Example) |(Example) | |(Example) |(Example) |(Example) | Major of Highest Earned Degree: Quarter Hours Since Last Degree: Semester Hours Since Last Degree: III. Professional Experience Full-Time Experience: Dates: Position: Organization/Institution: |(Example) |(Example) |(Example) | |(Example) |(Example) |(Example) | Part-Time Experience: Dates: Position: Organization/Institution: |(Example) |(Example) |(Example) | |(Example) |(Example) |(Example) | IV. Teaching Brief Description of Teaching Activities: (Swipe this paragraph and replace with rhetorical text describing teaching activities.) . (List teaching activities instead of, or in addition to, rhetorical text.) . (List teaching activities instead of, or in addition to, rhetorical text. Continue bullets as needed.) Specialized Faculty Status(es): (Swipe this paragraph and replace with rhetorical text describing faculty status.) . (List specialized faculty statuses instead of, or in addition to, rhetorical text.) . (List specialized faculty statuses instead of, or in addition to, rhetorical text. Continue bullets as needed.) Teaching as Evaluated by Students and Peers: Advisement and Mentoring of Students: Undergraduate and Graduate Advising: (Swipe this paragraph and replace with rhetorical text regarding advising.) . (List advising activities instead of, or in addition to, rhetorical text.) . (List advising activities instead of, or in addition to, rhetorical text. Continue bullets as needed.) Efforts to provide a mentor relationship with students (e.g. co-author of paper, joint performance, presentation, independent study courses, etc.). Include dates: (Swipe this paragraph and replace with rhetorical text regarding mentoring.) . (List mentoring
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