Sunday, March 22, 2020
Trichy free essay sample
To contribute to the growth of India’s international business by disseminating knowledge about international business and trade by: †¢ Imparting requisite knowledge to prospective managers of international business. †¢ Assisting business organizations involved in exports / imports / foreign trade through specific studies and consultancy reports. †¢ Adopting best practices in imparting education in international business through its own as well as through partner institutions and organizations across the globe. Objectives †¢ To mould students and learners into globally competent managers in international business, with the requisite knowledge, skills and exposure to match the requirements of the industry. †¢ To impart education in theory and practice of international business, so as to develop the capabilities of students in decision-making in today’s complex international business environment. To organise and conduct research and thereby expand the knowledge domain. †¢ To impart knowledge to exporters, importers and regulators through training and research. †¢ To assist the government and regulators in policy formulation and modification. We will write a custom essay sample on Trichy or any similar topic specifically for you Do Not WasteYour Time HIRE WRITER Only 13.90 / page Our Founder Late Sri Raja Bankatlal Gopikishan Badruka (1905-1966) BIFT Placement Brochure (08-10) FINAL. indd 2 2 pages 3 11/9/2009 12:17:59 PM Over the last 60 years, the Badruka Educational Society has grown from strength to strength, setting up various educational institutions covering a wide spectrum of learning at graduate and postgraduate levels: †¢ Badruka College of Commerce †¢ Badruka College Post-Graduate Centre †¢ Bankatlal Badruka College for Information Technology †¢ Badruka Institute of Foreign Trade †¢ Badruka Institute of Foreign Education †¢ Badruka Institute of Professional Studies †¢ Badruka Junior College for Girls †¢ Bansilal Badruka School of Music and Dance †¢ Ramdayal Ghasiram Badruka Technical Institute †¢ Laxmi Nivas Badruka Vidyarthi Gruh. Over 70,000 students have had the privilege of passing out of the portals of the Society’s institutions, enriching the Indian nation in academics, fine arts, management, IT, commerce, politics and business. On the foreign education front, the Badruka Institute of Foreign Education (BIFE) had earlier been conducting the MBA program of Edinburgh Business School, Heriott Watt University, UK. Hony Secretary Sri Hari Prasad G Badruka keeps exploring new programs of value to students in various domains. BIFT has already tied up with Nanyang Technological University, Singapore and efforts are on to tie up with the Hague University, Netherlands for a faculty and student exchange program. Similar tie-ups with other renowned foreign universities / institutions in UK, Europe USA are also being considered. Study visits to a few foreign countries are already being organized by Badruka Institute of Foreign Trade (BIFT), which owes its genesis to Sri Badruka’s vision of India empowered by managers who are competent to handle large, globally spread businesses in an environment where national boundaries have indeed vanished. Serving the society through value-based education Sri Hari Prasad G Badruka, the Chairman Honorary Secretary of the Society, is a dedicated educationist, visionary and philanthropist with a commitment to excellence. He has played a major role in the development of the Society through his dedication and involvement in the administration of the Society for nearly four decades. Sri Badruka has always believed that students must undergo education which not only helps them to further their careers but also fosters strong value systems in them. BIFT Placement Brochure (08-10) FINAL. indd 3 1/9/2009 12:18:05 PM Aimed at preparing qualified professionals in the challenging field of international business, BIFT was established in 2001, under an MoU with Indian Institute of Foreign Trade, which is internationally renowned and is ranked amongst the top 10 B-schools in India. IIFT has been extending academic and faculty support to BIFT. BIFT is situated in Hyderabad, which has recorded phenomen al growth with large enterprises being established in the IT / Pharmaceutical / Biotech / FMCG / Retail / Financial Services sectors. The five-storeyed BIFT building has a built-up area of over 60,000 sq. t. The students enjoy well-equipped, air-conditioned lecture halls, PCs with broadband internet connectivity, Wi-Fi enabled campus, LCD projectors, audio systems, e-journals under EBSCO, electronic databases of industries / companies through CMIE’s Prowess India Trades, Kompass Trade Directory, Trade Wizard Software, etc. The cutting-edge curriculum of MPIB comprises all subjects of the MBA program of a standard B-school and in addition, 15 more subjects that equip students in International Finance, International Marketing Trade, Global Logistics, International HRM, etc. BIFT has tied up with Nanyang Technological University of Singapore, where BIFT students undertake shortterm specialization courses in International Finance, International Marketing or Port Management. BIFT is also exploring tie-ups for short-term value-added courses to be taken up in some reputed B-schools in the UK, Europe and USA. To offer new vocational opportunities, BIFT has introduced two-year Masters Programs in Healthcare Management, Infrastructure Management and Pharma-Biotech Management, under an MoU with Jawaharlal Nehru Technological University. It is in the process of introducing a 4-6 months internship in ‘Shipping and Port Management’ in association with Westport, Malaysia. Other new introductions include an Entrepreneurship and Family Business Program, as well as industry-focused weekend lectures (with APITCO). The growing number of students enrolled from all parts of India in the recent batches is indicative of the rapidly increasing popularity of MPIB. At BIFT, a unique trilogy of students, faculty and learning resources produces some of the best minds in the country. Consequently, our students today hold key and enviable managerial positions across several reputed organizations in India and abroad. The teaching method and learning pedagogy at BIFT include lectures, case studies, seminars, group discussions, business games, role plays, simulation exercises, structured and unstructured group work, as well as industry visits and port visits to foreign countries like Singapore, Malaysia, etc. Commencing this academic year, BIFT has switched over to the semester system of instruction (from the earlier trimester system), to enable students to get more time for industry interaction. Masters Program in International Business Cutting-edge curriculum for global business BIFT Placement Brochure (08-10) FINAL. indd 4 4 pages 5 11/9/2009 12:18:13 PM From the Director Changing Trends in Management Education†¦ Pioneering Sectoral Vocations. Established in 2001, BIFT has carved out a niche for itself over the last eight years in the International Business education arena, with overwhelming acceptance in the Trade and Industry. That over 600 BIFTians are occupying coveted positions in business organizations both in India and abroad, is a standing testimony of the Industry’s acceptance of our pedagogy and content. It is heartening to note that the ill effects of the global economic slowdown, resulting out of speculative greed in the financial markets, are slowly tapering off. As per both IMF and World Bank, the Indian and Chinese economics are on the up-swing and it is expected that in the next 6-10 months, the global markets would emerge stronger. This is a welcome sign for all business management students. The corporates are looking for innovative, unpretentious young minds with focus on learning and handson experience to steer the engines of growth in the emerging areas. To be successful in the global markets, the students need to acquire powers of critical thinking and moral reasoning coupled with knowledge on contemporary business issues and multi-cultural focus. The corporates prefer sectoral enthusiasts who have a flair for niche business areas and are ready to hone their skills in diversified segments with an open mind focused on ‘learning’ rather than ‘earning’. In the above context, BIFT would be providing increased exposure in areas like International Product / Brand Management; Acquisitions Mergers and Business Valuations; Port Operations Management; Banking, Finance, Insurance, etc. BIFT has also introduced Masters courses in emerging areas like Infrastructure Management, PharmaBiotech Management and Health Care Management, under MOU with JNTU-Hyderabad, for better sectoral vocations. Nurturing entrepreneurs who would transform into ‘job providers’ rather than ‘job seekers’ is also the need of the hour. As the real India lives in rural areas, the students need to be social entrepreneurs with focus on areas like Microfinance, NGO Management, etc. Lastly but not the least, based on experiences gained from the global mortgage derivatives debacle, which the Indian financial system has withstood, we need to evolve our own ‘Indian Approach to Corporate Management’ with strong foundations in Ethics and Values, merging the best of both East and West. We invite our respected corporates to partner with us in this ‘Yagna’ of Corporate Social Responsibility ‘Innovation – Intuition – Inspiration’ is the Mantra for Success. From the Director’s Desk Prof GS Rao BIFT Placement Brochure (08-10) FINAL. indd 5 11/9/2009 12:18:18 PM From the Academic Coordinator The Badruka Educational Society was established with the objective of inculcating academic excellence and lasting ethical values in the students. BIFT values learning as a way of life and promotes the habit of critical thinking and intellectual curiosity. We offer students access to cutting-edge learning experience, facilities and materials, to a faculty that vigorously pursues research and scholarship and to an academic guidance that is sensitive to their interest, needs and abilities. This is more than an academic exercise, for which we are employing good management practices. Our curriculum focuses on skills a manager would require to operate in an environment marked by diversity. Business at global level gets more competitive, considering that policies differ from country to country, turbulent currency values and varying consumer behavior. So a manager who works in this set-up requires a special set of skills, which our International Business curriculum aims at imparting. Further, our institute lays a great deal of emphasis on regularly exposing our students to the corporate world, which in turn helps us to chalk out an innovative academic strategy and keep abreast of trends abroad. As a result of this, our students become more articulate, confident and ready for the industry when the time comes. We welcome all the prospective employers of our MPIB students to look at these international leaders in the making, recruit them in good positions, groom them in the organization and in turn benefit from their youthful energy and specialized knowledge. The Placement Process The students of BIFT have come from various educational backgrounds. They have been groomed with soft skill training and classroom trainings to face the final placement process. But, education of the future leaders will be incomplete without the exposure to working in an organization. The placement process covers Pre-Placement Talk and Final Placement. Pre-Placement Talk The Pre-Placement Talk offers the corporate and students an opportunity to interact and get to know the organization better. Organizations make important presentations to the students about the organizations and career growths in which student concerns like job responsibilities, remuneration package, ladder of growth, cross-functional exposure are answered. Final Placement The industry participates in final placement process to utilize intellectual capital of BIFT. The real proof of the quality and effectiveness of any institution lies in the acceptance of its graduates in the industry. The placement of the 2007-09 graduating batch proves the rigorous two-year MPIB program at BIFT. The Institute has an impressive and consistent placement record. With best wishes, Rakesh Chander Sharma The BIFT Placement Team L to R: Mr Ravi Kumar, Mr PR Venkat Sai, Ms Preeti, Ms Jhansi BIFT Placement Brochure (08-10) FINAL. indd 6 6 pages 7 11/9/2009 12:18:23 PM From Head Institutional Development Today, people perceive and measure excellence in higher education pertaining to the development and achievement of an institution as the number of students placed and their overall pay packages. There seems to be a need for thorough introspection here†¦ Education, in its broadest sense, is an act that has an effect on the mind, character, or physical ability of an individual. In its technical sense education is a process by which society transmits its accumulated knowledge, skills and values from one generation to another through educational institutions. The true values of education are to develop people of quality and character and to create an awareness of social responsibilities. An educational institution has to shoulder multiple aspects to ensure its progress by creating a competitive yet nurturing service attitude in individuals. At Badruka Educational Society, we aim not only to equip our students with the necessary skills needed but also focus on providing this service at an affordable cost, without any discrimination or gender preference. The overall development of our students is of utmost importance to all of us working here. We help them develop various skill sets including understanding the employer’s need. A centralized Placements and Grooming Division has been set up for this purpose. To bridge the gap built over the years, we have developed a grooming program based on valuable inputs from our faculty, recruiters, alumni and past experience. Also, activity-based training is imparted for personality development. Blood donation camps and service at orphanages is a part of understanding various aspects of life. Our students conduct and participate in management festivals, conferences and seminars. Industrial visits and guest lectures by eminent personalities are a regular feature here. We ensure that the students undergo various levels of learning and unlearning so that their Intelligence, Emotional and Spiritual Quotient is equally developed to be successful and satisfied in life. We strive constantly to ensure that every Badrukan is an ‘inner’ as well as an ‘outer’ winner. Poonam R Saraf From Manager Placements Welcome to the gallery of portraits of some of the best potential managers available. Over the years Badruka Institute of Foreign Trade (BIFT) has become a prime choice of the recruiters across the country. BIFT was rated by a Business India survey in the ‘A+ category’ in 2007 and in the ‘A category’ in 2008. BIFT students receive the best of inputs from academicians, professional soft skill trainers like TIME Institute, Badruka’s in-house Grooming Division, as well as from practicing managers. Their training stint in Nanyang Technological University at Singapore, port visits to Malaysia and faculty / students exchange program with Hague University (Netherlands) enrich the students with international exposure. In addition to the standard MBA curriculum, 14 additional subjects are taught with dual specialization in International Marketing, Finance and HR, with Trade being common to all the students. Our endeavour is not only to create smart analytical ‘left-brained’ students but also those with soft-skills, inclined towards the ‘right-brain’ and who readily work across global cultures. We can proudly say that the earlier recruiters have been quite satisfied with the quality of the BIFTians picked up by them, as is being reflected in their feedback, and also the fact that they have been visiting our campus again and again. We promise to provide you quality students to suit your requirements aptly. We look forward to your continued support, and invite you to visit our campus and see for yourself the great potential that is waiting to be tapped in each of our bright students. PR Venkat Sai BIFT Placement Brochure (08-10) FINAL. indd 7 11/9/2009 12:18:28 PM Core Mentors BIFT faculty members take the students beyond the typical classroom atmosphere, and provide continuous individual guidance to the students to mould them into competent professionals who can confidently take on the challenges of the highly competitive corporates which have acquired global dimensions with their business spanning several countries in the world. Dr Aswani Kumar M. Sc. , MBA, Ph. D. Prof J R Kumar B. Com, FICWA Mr Rakesh Chander Sharma BE (Chem), PGDEE, Advanced Diploma in French, Diploma in Scientific and Technical Translation (French) Professor Expertise in: General Management and Marketing Expertise in: General Management Strategic and Unit Level Indirect Taxation Cost Accounting Academic Coordinator Expertise in: Consultancy related to chemical industries, environmental / energy-related issues. Mr M Durga Prasad M. Com. , M. Phil. (Finance) (Ph. D. ) Ms Mehnaaz Siddiqui BA, MBA (HR Marketing) (Ph. D. ) Mr KC Mohanty M. Sc, MBA (Marketing), ITM (FIEO) (Ph. D. ) Assistant Professor Expertise in: Management Accounting, Financial Management, Management of Financial Services. Authored two books and presented articles at national seminars. Assistant Professor Expertise in: HRM, Marketing, International Business Assistant Professor Expertise in: International Marketing, International Trade Operations, WTO, Agri Business, Commodity Trading, Export Import Management Mr Deepak M. Sc. (Statistics) Prof G Surender Reddy M. Tech. (Ind. Mgt) IIT-Madras, LLB, PGDIPR, PGDPEM (OU), CAIIB Lt Col (Retd) AV Anand MIE (Mech), MBA, PGHRM, PG Equipment Management, (Ph. D. ) Assistant Professor Expertise in: Statistics and Operations Research, Research Methodology Expertise in: Development Banking, Corporate Consulting, Management Teaching, Entrepreneurship Development and Mentoring Coordinator Evaluation Expertise in: HR, Administration and Leadership Mr Prayaga Ramakrishna Head, Center for Indian Management Studies (CIMS) Mr Unnikrishnan Kurup M. A. (Economics), M. A. (Sociology), M. Phil, (Ph. D. ) Mr Syed Muzammiluddin B. Com (Computers), BCJ, MBA, (Ph. D. ) Associate Professor Expertise in: Educational Consultant and Professor in Economics, Principal under Kerala University in Kerala. Assistant Professor Expertise in: Marketing, Soft Skills BIFT Placement Brochure (08-10) FINAL. ndd 8 8 pages 9 11/9/2009 12:18:32 PM Tie-ups with Foreign Institutions BIFT has tied up with the Nanyang Technological University for BIFT students to undergo a short-term course in Marketing / Finance / IT etc, commencing from the batch of 2008-10 students. Also, we are in dialogue with a few other international institutions in UK, Netherlands and Spain, and fo r enabling desirous students to pursue short-term study modules in Marketing, Finance, Trading, Information Technology and other domains which will provide them ample value addition and also help them secure international placements. BIFT is now study center of the Chartered Institute of Management Accountants (CIMA), UK for certificate and diploma courses. BIFT’s integrated approach towards management education combines the regular set of all MBA-level management subjects with the international business-related curriculum is drawn from IIFT’s rigorous and knowledge-packed syllabus, as well as BIFT’s own additional inputs based on industry demand. The delivery of inputs by qualified in-house faculty is reinforced with that of eminent faculty from IIMs, IIFT and a few foreign universities. Foreign languages such as French and Spanish are being taught. In addition, Japanese, Chinese, Mandarin languages are also being offered to BIFT students this year onwards. The students are evaluated on the basis of assignments, presentations, group discussions, quizzes, role-plays and class tests. Considerable stress is laid on discipline, cultural values and personality development. Students make weekly group presentations on top business stories of the week based on their daily browsing of business newspapers and journals in the library. The students’ skills are honed to make them emerge as knowledge-endowed global business managers of tomorrow, whose quest for knowledge will never cease. BIFT believes that knowledge is the willow that winners wield. Towards this belief, BIFT has set as its goal the transformation of its students, which will make their dreams come true. Mr Rael Escobar (an MBA student from Hague University, Netherlands) under student exchange program in dialogue with BIFT Director and faculty members Mr Patrick Sim (Senior Business Development Executive, NTU-Singapore) discussing details of a new module in Port Management with BIFT officials Ms Tam Kam Peng (Head Alliances Learning Partnership) and Ms Aarti Porwal (Chief Representative CIMA, UK) with BIFT Director Prof GS Rao and Prof JR Kumar Mr Jeff Carter (Dean, Canadian College, Vancouver) in conversation with BIFT Director and faculty members for Student Exchange Program BIFT Placement Brochure (08-10) FINAL. indd 9 11/9/2009 12:18:39 PM Conducive Learning Ambience Library and e-Journals The BIFT library has a collection of over 10,000 books and subscribes to 40 national / international journals and magazines. As many as 1100 e-journals through EBSCO and databases like CMIE’s India Trades and Prowess, and Trade Wizard Software have been provided to the students. Valuable data is also available in the form of trade directories, country / product research reports, project reports, trade publications, video-library, CDs and software packages of various kinds, etc. Library Session in Progress Computer Lab The Institute has a state-of-the-art Computer Centre with a Local Area Network comprising a Server, 80 Pentium Nodes and Internet access through a dedicated broadband link, electronic databases, etc. WiFi Connectivity in Campus WiFi connectivity is provided for facilitating students, faculty and visiting guest faculty in BIFT premises. Computer Laboratory Laptops for Students Students are provided with laptops to enable them to not only access and browse databases but also store study material, data, and carry out analyses of data, presentations through slide shows, etc. Seminar Hall and Classrooms Air-conditioned classrooms. and a seminar hall-cum-auditorium equipped with contemporary teaching equipment such as an LCD projector, overhead projector, TV and VCR, broadband internet connection, audio system, etc. re available. Students in Classroom Cafeteria Serving hygienic and tasty snacks, the cozy cafeteria on the college campus also provides a useful platform for informal exchange of ideas / information between students of various batches and disciplines, as well as with the faculty. Students enjoying snacks in Cafeteria BIFT Placement Brochure (08-10) FINAL. indd 10 10 pages 1 1 11/9/2009 12:18:54 PM Visiting / Guest Faculty A number of guest / visiting faculty from reputed institutions in India and abroad are invited to conduct lectures on curriculum topics. Study visits constitute an important aspect of the course curriculum, providing the students practical exposure to the dynamics of the industry / corporate business. Interactive sessions with corporate managers are arranged during the visits. Students are sent every year on study visits to Port of Singapore Authority (PSA), the world’s busiest port, Jurong Port (Singapore), as well as to Northport and Westport, Port Klang, Malaysia. During these visits they meet senior executives of various multinational companies and obtain valuable insights into the dynamics of global trade / international business, global logistics, international marketing and international finance, etc.
Thursday, March 5, 2020
Free Literature Review Full Text
Free Literature Review Full Text Free Literature Review Full Text This order was delivered to Allen Sutton, a fraudulent person from Elmont, New York. Beware of this customer! Literature Review: Would the Addition Psycho Education to Medication Management in Q Community Outpatient Setting By a Nurse Practitioner Yield Greater Medication Adherence in Adult Schizophrenic Patients A new achievement in medical science is the introduction of psycho-education for the people who live with psychological disturbance. This educates and trains patients in regards to various psychological disturbances such as schizophrenia, depression, anxiety, eating disorders, psychotic illness and personality disorders. Psycho-Education also helps in the treatment of physical illness by emphasizing on mental well being and positive thinking. Moreover this education is not only restricted to patients but their families as well. As said that mental well-being leads to physical well being as the brain in ones body controls and operates it. So it is very important to understa nd and treat the brain and its functions with utmost care. According to Kelly and Scott (1990) the theory of Psycho-education helps the patient and their families to be well acquainted with the patients condition, to understand their illness, strengths, weakness and the short term and long term causes and treatment for a better living. Moreover this theory helps the patients and their families to live normal lives, coping up and living with their psychological condition. One very common Psychological disorder is Schizophrenia. It is a condition of the brain where the patient lacks thought process and is emotionally unresponsive. Patient also suffers from hallucinations, delusions and has disintegrated speech and thinking. People with a condition this way have difficulties coping up with their social and professional life. People suffering from schizophrenia are a danger to them as they often have suicidal feelings submerged within, the society because of their negative yet sudden change in behavior, and barely can sustain basic needs of living. Dowrick (2000) noted that Schizophrenia in adults is a chronic disorder and the ratio of men suffering from it is more than in women and conditionally more severe in men than women.Individuals suffering from Schizophrenia might see or hear things that dont have an existence in real life. They speak and express in a confusing manner. Such individuals lose the power of recognition between the real worlds and imagine things that are irrelevant. Such individuals adapt fear and confusion within themselves thus, drawing themselves out from the activities of a daily life and also restrains them to act and behave in a normal way. Hence, according to Hollon, Thase and Markowitz (2003), it becomes difficult for them to move along the norms of the society endangering oneself and the society at large. Their behavior may vary from social withdrawal, hostility, suspiciousness, deterioration of personal hygiene, flat expressionles s stare, inability to express sorrow or joy, depression, inappropriate way of laughing or crying, insomnia, hypersomnia, irrational statements, loss of memory, lack of concentration, hyper reaction to criticism etc. Gutirrez-Maldonado and Caqueo-Urzar (2007) noted that adding Psycho-education to medication management would yield greater medical adherence in adult schizophrenic patients in a community outpatient setting by a Nurse Practioner as their treatment is very important as Schizophrenia is a very complex psychological disorder that is difficult to diagnose as Psychological experts have not been able to explain the root cause of it. In such cases Psycho-education helps the patients and their families to be educated about this illness. Moreover addition of Psycho-education to medication management would bring out much better results in regards to a cure for this illness as prescribed medication and its dosages could have side effects on the patients emotional responsiveness. Moreover, according to Larsen (2004), in terms of medication adherence in adult schizophrenic patients most of them have severe memory impairment and cognitive distortions and could even complicate the overall treatment plan as they could require multiple doses a day. The main area of focus of Psycho-education aims at teaching and/or educating the patient to increase his/her knowledge and the proper understanding of his/her illness and treatment respectively. It is proved that a patient with knowledge of his/her illness increases and enables the chances of getting cured faster and also helps in coping up with the medication, therapy and treatment in a much effective way. Studies Wheeler and Greiner (2003) and Picchioni and Murray (2007) prove that interaction between the patient and the doctor efficiently adds more value to the standard treatment and helps the reduction of possible relapse and hospitalization. Also Psycho-education improves compliances that are followed with medi cation and non-adherence to medication. It also promotes better social well being with proper functioning of social outcomes. Mostly Psycho-education emphasizes on a group where multiple patients share multiple areas of concern, thus making the schizophrenic platform global and so it can be addressed in a way that becomes more reactive yet informative and helpful for treatment. According to Hollon, Thase and Markowitz (2003) adult Schizophrenic patients have a very sociodemographic feature that makes their characterization of illness difficult to diagnose, since this is a condition that affects thoughts and behavior and is often termed as a chronic relapsing psychotic illness. These features also include comorbidity and often have side effects of the medicational features. Nearly one out of five patients experiences some of the symptoms. Another 20% experience worse of these symptoms; in the remaining 60%, the symptoms become even more chronic and even leads to hospitalization. A s such, in these cases family administration, support and encouragement is highly recommended. Gutirrez-Maldonado and Caqueo-Urzar (2007) noted that Psycho-education characterizes treatment with the collaboration of prescribed medication including a systematic study of the relation between the Physician and the patient is intervened by different studies and reinforcement of mental education, skills training, memory enhancement, and anger management. Psychologists encounter Schizophrenic patients quite often and they encourage services that rely less on medicines and more on long-term therapy that includes counseling, advocacy, group discussions, behavioral social skills training, family education, counseling and therapy. These special trainings come in various forms. According to Larsen (2004) many community based groups conduct informal interactions to help to understand the patients unique and specific behavior and implement their skills for overcoming obstacles that interrupt a normal life. Treatment for schizophrenic patients through prescribed medication and therapy only diagnosis and focuses the presence of psychological symptoms and does not necessarily classify the characteristics of social construction of recovery such as hope, faith, belief, self identification, social well being and empowerment. Over whelming evidence, by Wheeler and Greiner (2003), proves that antipsychotics can be effective for treating certain symptoms of Schizophrenia. This antipsychotic medication needs strict medical adherence as, if not adhered as prescribed; it may increase the risk of a relapse. It is often found that most people suffering from Schizophrenia, medication adherence is often poor and most of them discontinue medication after a short period assuming that it is not required anymore; nonetheless this causes serious consequences. Studies review that approximately one-third of the patients with schizophrenia, suffer from medical non-adherence. These patients als o outlook nearly 1-10 days of oral antipsychotic therapy which nearly doubles the risk of hospitalization. Picchioni and Murray (2007) noted that non-adherence of these medications may increase the risk of hospitalization with a possible relapse due to the gaps in prescribed medication doses. It has also been discovered by researchers that individuals with an education about their illness are less hospitalized than that of individuals who are only on prescribed drugs with non-adherence in regards to it. Another factor that adds to medical non-adherence in regards to schizophrenic patients is that the patients do not attend their appointment with regards to their therapy. Individuals who are not regular and do not keep a track of their outpatient appointments post-hospitalization become non-adherent to prescribed medications and this way it slowly but surely becomes critical in the outcome of Schizophrenia in adults. Hollon, Thase and Markowitz (2003) noted that community based o utpatient treatment centers offer services to individuals those have issues at adjustment at home, work, society or even more complex psychological disorders such as depression, stress-related conditions, anger, anxiety, loss of memory, diversion of attention etc. Studies have reviewed that the common clinical practice for the treatment of Schizophrenia in Adults were not very effective and Non-adherence to these clinical therapies and prescribed medication increased at an alarming rate. The view of a broader treatment proved successful and an array of support from Community Based Services and Rehabilitation Centers offering a wider and even more effective treatment for the mentally ill started flowing in. Studies by Larsen (2004), Wheeler and Greiner (2003), and Picchioni and Murray (2007) also reviewed those individuals with the knowledge of their illness yielded greater results in treatment. The demand for more professionals with the knowledge of Psychotic illness increased wit h Nurse Practioners to broaden their scope of knowledge with Psychiatris Studies. With a collaboration of Psycho-education and medication management under the supervision of Nurse Practioners proved successful and efficient. According to Gutirrez-Maldonado and Caqueo-Urzar (2007), Psycho-education is intervened by the patients interaction with their peers and it is proved that this helps individuals and their families to gain a lot of crucial and important information about the illness. This also involves motivation and interpersonal support from peers. Here, a patient is given full opportunity to express thoughts, concerns and raise questions. It is important to make the patient realize that the illness suffered, is worldwide. Psycho-education helps an individual to absorb a lot of information that helps to potentially grow and change and also makes an individual more tolerant in nature. Psycho-education relates to practical and concrete problem solving issues including social challenges faced everyday that help to develop independent living skills and achieve specific goals. The aim of all of Psychological Disorder treatment and therapeutic intervention lies in the boosting of empowerment of the patient and his/her families. In this intervention an individual is treated with an utmost positive care to encourage and boost ones confidence in order to face and tackle their Psychological disorder. Psycho-education intends to educated all individuals about their Psychological disorder along with the different other types around. A comprehension of the background and its available treatment is always very important for an individual. Through this, as per Hollon, Thase and Markowitz (2003), individuals and their families accept the illness and cope with it in a very effective manner. A variety of self-development programs are conducted for the patient and their families such as Behavioral therapy, Problem-Solving training, Communication training and Family th erapy etc. There is a huge relation in the collaboration of medicines, Therapy and Psycho education and proven to be effective due to the fact that medicines such as Antipsychotic drugs help to reduce Neuro-functional disorders that results in formation of disciplined orders and understanding and Psycho-educational therapies helps in coping up strategies for a normal living. According to Picchioni and Murray (2007),Psycho-education as an addition to medication management is a much better way of monitoring a patients well being with proper scheduling of medication by avoiding drug interactions and introduction to general prescribed medication. Medication management aims at appropriate use of medicines and drugs that would not cause complications in the longer run. A collaboration of Psycho-education with Medication management would introduce various support and care from individuals, the community, psychiatrists, social workers and experts. A community outpatient uses day centers, h ospitals and rehabilitation centers to refer to different Psychological professionals to cure their psychological illness. Such is a success, Wheeler and Greiner (2003) notes, if Psycho-education is introduced in a community outpatient setting with help from a Nurse Practioner, as a Nurse Practioner can treat physical and mental conditions through various methods of additional education and training through comprehending the patients history, by advising physical examination and various tests. The Nurse Practioner can also diagnose and then provide appropriate treatment for the patient which includes prescribing medication. A Nurse Practioner can yield much better results with the help of Psycho-education than of a simple medication adherence as it only monitors the course of therapy with regards to medicines, its prescription, discontinuation and proper dose of the medicine whereas Psycho-education refers to educate and aware the patient and their families about the illness. This helps in a greater understanding of the situation and to deal with it accordingly in alliance with medication. As mentioned that it aims at the psychological well being of a person that builds the ambience of living. Since a Nurse Practioner also serves as a primary health provider, it would yield in a greater result if Psycho-education is added to medication management. The main focus of this addition is individual care of the condition and effects of the patients illness. According to Larsen (2004) educating patients about their health is very important and psycho-education helps and encourages them to make choices for a healthy living and to prioritize well being. There are different aspects of Psycho-educational programs and they have different characteristics depending upon the type of psychological disorder. Most of the individuals who suffer from schizophrenia, also suffer from diversion of attention, lack of concentration and memory loss. According to Gutirrez-Maldonado and Caqueo-Urzar (2007) Psycho-education significantly highlights the practice, feedback, presentation and discussion to enhance the strength of these problems. A Nurse Practioner can yield greater medical adherence in regards to a community outpatient setting in adult schizophrenic patients as the Nurse Practioners role is broad and deals with different mental health issues at outpatient clinics, primary care units, private therapy practices, community health centers and hospitals. A Nurse Practioner also specializes on focusing on genetic psychiatry to understand the history of illness and to conduct various physical and psychological tests. Hollon, Thase and Markowitz (2003) noted that a Nurse Practioner has a proven role in the treatment of chronic schizophrenia with anti psychotic medication and remedial approaches such as training, exercise, educating of residual symptoms. There is also evidence about Psychiatric Nurse Practioners in the community and their effectiveness in regards to supervision of schizophrenic patients. Many Nurse Practioners combine therapy and treatment in an assertive community program that aims to reduce relapse and hospitalization. The techniques include developing trust; normalizing, enhancing the skills to coping with strategy, practical theory and reality testing, work along dysfunctional affective and behavioral attitude towards psychotic illness. This not only helps in an enhanced response to the therapy but also yield results faster. Langdon (1994) noted that the use of Psycho-education and medication together aims at a higher recovery rate of patients suffering from Adult Schizophrenia with a Nurse Practioner being an active part of the recovery process as Nurse Practioners are highly trained professional in the field of both physical and mental health. Psychiatric Nurse Practioners are well trained in the medication management of Schizophrenic Patients. Many Psycho-educational professionals and groups have proved to br ing dynamic effect in behavioral changes in the case of acute and post-acute adult schizophrenic patients. This is one of the major reasons Psycho-education is derived as a modern tool for a useful collaboration of bringing out the potential of independency within the individuals and their families. This also forecasts the future of professional constituency for Psychological disorders as well as it will open up arrays into specific form of Psychotherapy. Psycho-education, in accordance to Gruber (2002), in the form of an obligatory-exercise program, should be made available to all patients suffering from a schizophrenic disorder and their families. Psycho-education goes deep down into current conceptions, methods and practice. Carefully, under the support, supervision and accompaniment by a Nurse Practioner, the empathic and socially enduring therapeutic attempt must be strong, stable and sustainable, despite altering the ambience around. With such an approach, psychological prin ciples and standardized procedures must be valid while interacting with an adult schizophrenic patient. It is also very important to keep in mind that the patients with Psychological disorder such as Schizophrenia may behave and or react unexpected with an illogical reaction, which could be due to the altered psychological state of mind of the surrounding ambience. According to Baldo (1993), introduction of Psycho-education does not intend to stop or challenge the continuation of other behavioural therapy when dealing with Psychological Illness and in this case Adult Schizophrenic Patients. It is a subsequent and complementary strategy of treatment where not only the patients, but their families and relatives too which is optimal in respect to their illness. Psycho-education sets general courses that will yield greater and higher success rates in the treatment that will help in long-term coping and adjustments. With the help of Nurse Practioners who are well-established profession als, it is absolutely possible to draw out a successful concept which shelters the different and specific needs of the adult schizophrenic patients and at the same time restoring their resources. Nathan and Gorman (1998) noted that the addition of Psycho-education to medication management in community outpatients settings by a Nurse Practioner and its effectiveness with that of yielding greater medication adherence in adult schizophrenic patients would definitely become a global concept of treatment in many hospitals, rehabilitation centres and clinics. As far as its research goes, there is a huge amount of proven studies done which proves the effectiveness of the concept of Psycho-education with the combination of antipsychotic drugs in the treatment of Schizophrenia in adults. A greater result was even proved and shown with regards to medical adherence in schizophrenic patients with regular visits under the supervision of Psychiatric Nurse Practioners. A greater difference can be yielded out if Psycho-education is introduced with regards to the treatment of all Psychological disorders. This also helps to create a mass awareness of the existence of such psychological disorders and the proper attitude to produce towards an individual suffering, moreover giving an effective social boost that helps an individual to cope easily and to carry on with a normal life. References Baldo, J. (1993). Selective attention in patients with schizophrenia and non-schizophrenic subjects. Berkeley: University of California. Dowrick, C. (2000). Problem Solving Treatment And Group Psychoeducation For Depression: Multicentre Randomised Controlled Trial. British Medical Journal, 321(7274), 1450-1454. Gruber, SA. (2002). Stroop performance in schizophrenic and bipolar patients: an fMRI study. New York: Tufts University. Gutirrez-Maldonado, J., and Caqueo-Urzar, A. (2007). Effectiveness of a Psycho-Educational Intervention for Reducing Burden in Latin American Families of P atients with Schizophrenia. Quality of Life Research, 16(5), 739-747. Hollon, SD., Thase, ME., and Markowitz, JC. (2003). Treatment and Prevention of Depression. Psychological Science in the Public Interest, 3(2), 39-77. Kelly, G., and Scott, JE. (1990). Medication Compliance and Health Education among Outpatients with Chronic Mental Disorders. Medical Care, 28(12), 1181-1197. Langdon, R. (1994). Schizophrenic symptoms: dissociable deficits of self/other awareness in the normal cognitive system of consciousness. Boston: Macquarie University. Larsen, JA. (2004). Finding Meaning in First Episode Psychosis: Experience, Agency, and the Cultural Repertoire. Medical Anthropology Quarterly New Series, 18(4), 447-471. Nathan, P., and Gorman, J., (1998). A guide to treatments that work. London: Oxford University Press. Picchioni, M.M and Murray, R.M. (2007). Schizophrenia. British Medical Journal, 335(7610) 91-95. Wheeler, K., and Greiner, L. (2003). Integrating Education and Resear ch in an APRN Mental Health Services Program. Journal of Community Health Nursing, 21(3), 141-152.
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