Saturday, May 23, 2020
The Decision Of Ending A Relationship - 911 Words
The term divorce is defined as the end of the marriage between a husband and wife with the help of the court (Department of justice, 2015). This particular idea of divorce come into encounter when happiness within a relationship has been disappeared and issues like financial crises, domestic violence or extra marital affairs with other people. Within a family, parental divorce affects children emotionally, psychologically and boys are more affected by divorce than girls. The decision of ending a relationship can be very traumatic and chaotic. It is also filled contradictory occurrence of emotional feelings for example children ages three to five experience emotions like shock, anger; they also feel depressed as their parents are breaking their marriage. The feeling of guilt appears when suddenly children start to think that they are at fault because his or her parents are breaking apart (Hooper, 2006, p. 33-34). Children also go through separation anxiety when the talks of divorce are going on as they have been attached to both of their parents and the environment of an enact family they were living in.When children are six years old, they get aware that their parents are not going to be together anymore; these children think that as of now there is no one to take care or love them. Children also start to feel abandoned and rejected because their parents are constantly fighting, they say words like â€Å"I am going away†or discuss with whom the child will live. When a childShow MoreRelatedFate And Free Will : William Shakespeare s Romeo And Juliet1301 Words  | 6 Pagessuggests that Romeo and Juliet’s relationship is built upon fate and free-will. There are many critics who argue fate is what makes up this play in its entirety due to the various fate related ideas evoked throughout it. 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Tuesday, May 12, 2020
Al-Khwarizmi, a Pioneering Astronomer and Mathematician
Al-Khwarizmi​ was also known as Abu Jafar Muhammad ibn Musa al-Khwarizmi. He was known for writing major works on astronomy and mathematics that introduced Hindu-Arabic numerals and the idea of algebra to European scholars. The Latinized version of his name gave us the term algorithm, and the title of his most famous and important work gave us the word algebra. What Professions Did Al-Khwarizami Have? Writer, scientist, astronomer, geographer, and mathematician. Places of Residence Asia, Arabia Important Dates Born: c. 786Died: c. 850 About Al-Khwarizmi Muhammad ibn Musa al-Khwarizmi was born in Baghdad in the 780s, around the time Harun al-Rashid became the fifth Abbasid caliph. Haruns son and successor, al-Mamun, founded an academy of science known as the House of Wisdom (Dar al-Hikma). Here, research was conducted and scientific and philosophic treatises were translated, particularly Greek works from the Eastern Roman Empire. Al-Khwarizmi became a scholar at the House of Wisdom. At this important center of learning, al-Khwarizmi studied algebra, geometry, and astronomy. He wrote influential texts on the subjects. He appears to have received the specific patronage of al-Mamun, to whom he dedicated two of his books: his treatise on algebra and his treatise on astronomy. Al-Khwarizmis treatise on algebra, al-Kitab al-mukhtasar fi hisab al-jabr waÊ ¾l-muqabala (â€Å"The Compendious Book on Calculation by Completion and Balancing†), was his most important and well-known work. Elements of Greek, Hebrew, and Hindu works that were derived from Babylonian mathematics of more than 2,000 years earlier were incorporated into al-Khwarizmis treatise. The term al-jabr in its title brought the word algebra into western use when it was translated into Latin several centuries later. Although it sets forth the basic rules of algebra, Hisab al-jabr wal-muqabala had a practical objective: to teach. As al-Khwarizmi put it: ...what is easiest and most useful in arithmetic, such as men constantly require in cases of inheritance, legacies, partition, lawsuits, and trade, and in all their dealings with one another, or where the measuring of lands, the digging of canals, geometrical computations, and other objects of various sorts and kinds are concerned. Hisab al-jabr wal-muqabala included examples as well as algebraic rules in order to help the reader with these practical applications. Al-Khwarizmi also produced a work on Hindu numerals. These symbols, which we recognize as the Arabic numerals used in the west today, originated in India and had only recently been introduced into Arabic mathematics. Al-Khwarizmis treatise describes the place-value system of numerals from 0 to 9 and may be the first known use of a symbol for zero as a place-holder (a blank space had been used in some methods of calculation). The treatise provides methods for arithmetical calculation, and it is believed that a procedure for finding square roots was included. Unfortunately, the original Arabic text is lost. A Latin translation exists, and though it is thought to be considerably changed from the original, it did make an important addition to western mathematical knowledge. From the word Algoritmi in its title, Algoritmi de numero Indorum (in English, Al-Khwarizmi on the Hindu Art of Reckoning), the term algorithm came into western usage. In addition to his works in mathematics, al-Khwarizmi made important strides in geography. He helped create a world map for al-Mamun and took part in a project to find the Earths circumference, in which he measured the length of a degree of a meridian in the plain of Sinjar. His book Kitab surat al-ará ¸ (literally The Image of the Earth, translated as Geography), was based on the geography of Ptolemy and provided the coordinates of approximately 2,400 sites in the known world, including cities, islands, rivers, seas, mountains, and general geographical regions. Al-Khwarizmi improved on Ptolemy with more accurate values for sites in Africa and Asia, and for the length of the Mediterranean Sea. Al-Khwarizmi wrote yet another work that made it into the western canon of mathematical studies: a compilation of astronomical tables. This included a table of sines, and either its original or an Andalusian revision was translated into Latin. He also produced two treatises on the astrolabe, one on the sundial and one on the Jewish calendar, and wrote a political history that included the horoscopes of prominent people. The precise date of al-Khwarizmis death is unknown. Sources Agarwal, Ravi P. Creators of Mathematical and Computational Sciences. Syamal K. Sen, 2014th Edition, Springer, November 13, 2014. OConnor, J. J. Abu Jafar Muhammad ibn Musa Al-Khwarizmi. E. F. Robertson, School of Mathematics and Statistics, University of St Andrews, Scotland, July 1999. Surhone, Lambert M. (Editor). The Compendious Book on Calculation by Completion and Balancing. Miriam T. Timpledon, Susan F. Marseken, VDM Publishing, August 10, 2010. The Editors of Encyclopaedia Britannica. Al-Khwarizmi. Encyclopaedia Britannica, July 20, 1998.
Wednesday, May 6, 2020
Wcf services, data access, and other features Free Essays
5.1 Introduction Microsoft Windows Communication Foundation ( WCF ) is one of the cardinal engineerings available in.NET Framework 3. We will write a custom essay sample on Wcf services, data access, and other features or any similar topic only for you Order Now 0 and ulterior versions. This session briefly introduces an overview of WCF services. The session besides takes a expression at the new informations related controls in ASP.NET 3.5. As organisations grow planetary, there is a strong demand for Web applications to accommodate to planetary audiences and civilizations. This session describes globalisation and besides discusses the support for handiness in ASP.NET 3.5. Finally, the session explains about nomadic applications in ASP.NET 3.5. 5.2 WCF Services WCF is designed as incorporate programming theoretical account that helps to make distributed applications utilizing assorted.NET engineerings such as utilizing Web services, .NET Remoting, Message Queue ( MSMQ ) , Enterprise Services, and so forth. Through WCF, you can make a individual service that can be exposed as named pipes, HTTP, TCP, and so on. 5.2.1 Making a WCF Service with ASP.NET ASP.NET and Visual Studio 2008 enable you to make and devour WCF services. The first measure towards this is to specify the service contract. The stairss to specify a service contract are as follows: 1. Launch Ocular Studio and choose a new Web undertaking of type WCF Service Application. This templet defines a Web undertaking for hosting the WCF service and will make a mention to System.ServiceModel.dll in the undertaking. This assembly contains the WCF categories. The undertaking templet will besides bring forth a default service named Service1.svc and a related contract file named IService1.cs. You can rename these two files suitably. For illustration, you could call the undertaking as TestServices and the service itself as NewService. The contract file, INewService.cs, is a.NET Framework interface that includes the service property classes for the service category, the operations, and the members. The.svc.cs file is a category implementing this interface. A WCF Service application is automatically configured so that it can be hosted in IIS. It exposes a standard HTTP end point. The lt ; system.servicemodel gt ; subdivision of the web.config file describes these scenes. An illustration of lt ; system.servicemodel gt ; subdivision in web.config is shown in Code Snippet 1. Code Snippet 1 lt ; system.serviceModel gt ; lt ; services gt ; lt ; service name= †TestServices.NewService †behaviorConfiguration= †TestServices.NewService †gt ; lt ; endpoint address= ††binding= †wsHttpBinding †contract= †TestServices.NewService.INewService †gt ; lt ; individuality gt ; lt ; dns value= †localhost †/ gt ; lt ; /identity gt ; lt ; /endpoint gt ; lt ; endpoint address= †mex †binding= †mexHttpBinding †contract= †IMetadataExchange †/ gt ; lt ; /service gt ; lt ; /services gt ; lt ; behaviours gt ; lt ; serviceBehaviors gt ; lt ; behavior name= †TestServices.NewServiceBehavior †gt ; lt ; serviceMetadata httpGetEnabled= †true †/ gt ; lt ; serviceDebug includeExceptionDetailInFaults= †false †/ gt ; lt ; /behavior gt ; lt ; /serviceBehaviors gt ; lt ; /behaviors gt ; lt ; /system.serviceModel gt ; 2. Implement the service contract. To implement the service, you start by specifying the contract via the interface. For illustration, see a scenario where you want to expose methods of a service that work with the Suppliers table in a Shipments database. Make a Supplier category inside ISupplierService.cs and tag it as a DataContract and taging each of its members as DataMember. Code Snippet 2 shows an illustration: Code Snippet 2 [ DataContract ] public category Supplier { // specify a belongings [ DataMember ] public int SupplierCode { get ; set ; } // define other belongingss } The following measure is to specify the methods of your interface in ISupplierService.cs and tag them with the OperationContract property. You need to tag the interface with the ServiceContract property as shown in Code Snippet 3. Code Snippet 3 [ ServiceContract ] public interface ISupplierService { [ OperationContract ] Supplier GetSupplier ( int supplierCode ) ; [ OperationContract ] Supplier SaveSupplier ( Supplier supplierper ) ; } WCF will utilize the interface to expose a service. The service will be configured based on the web.config file. The service interface is implemented inside the ISupplierService.svc.cs file as shown in Code Snippet 4. Code Snippet 4 public category SupplierService: ISupplierService { confString = ConfigurationManager.ConnectionStrings [ â€Å" SupplierString †] .ToString ( ) ; public Supplier GetSupplier ( int supplierId ) { . . . } public nothingness Display ( Supplier provider ) { . . . } } The contract is defined via the ISupplierService interface. The contract is implemented inside the SupplierService.svc file. 5.3.2 Calling or devouring the WCF service The stairss to configure one or more service end points and host the service in an application are taken attention of by default while executing all the stairss carried out until now. For illustration, an end point is configured via the default HTTP end point set up inside the web.config file and the service is hosted by IIS and ASP.NET. Now eventually, you can name the WCF service. You need to put a client to name the service. The client could be an ASP.NET Web site, a Windows application, or an application on a different platform. Assuming that the client is traveling to be an ASP.NET Web site for the current scenario, the stairss to name the service are as follows: 1. Make an ASP.NET Web site. 2. To bring forth a proxy category utilizing Ocular Studio 2008, right-click your Web site and choice Add Service Reference. The Add Service Reference duologue box is displayed as shown in figure 5.2. This duologue box allows you to specify an reference to your service. The construct of proxy category is similar to that in XML Web services – it is a WCF service client enabling you to work with the service without holding to cover with the inside informations of WCF. You can besides make the placeholder by utilizing the ServiceModel Metadata Utility command-line tool ( Svcutil.exe ) . 3. Stipulate an appropriate namespace in the Namespace box in the duologue box. This namespace will specify the name for the proxy category that will be generated by Ocular Studio. 4. Specify binding and end point information. Actually, the Add ServiceReference duologue box generates the appropriate end point information automatically when you add the service mention. The web.config file will incorporate this information as shown in Code Snippet 5. Code Snippet 5 lt ; system.serviceModel gt ; lt ; bindings gt ; lt ; wsHttpBinding gt ; lt ; adhering name= †WSHttpBinding_ISupplierService †closeTimeout= †00:01:00 †openTimeout= †00:01:00 †receiveTimeout= †00:10:00 †sendTimeout= †00:01:00 †bypassProxyOnLocal= †false †transactionFlow= †false †hostNameComparisonMode= †StrongWildcard †maxBufferPoolSize= †524288 †maxReceivedMessageSize= †65536 †messageEncoding= †Text †textEncoding= †utf-8 †useDefaultWebProxy= †true †allowCookies= †false †gt ; lt ; readerQuotas maxDepth= †32 †maxStringContentLength= †8192 †maxArrayLength= †16384 †maxBytesPerRead= †4096 †maxNameTableCharCount= †16384 †/ gt ; lt ; reliableSession ordered= †true †inactivityTimeout= †00:10:00 †enabled= †false †/ gt ; lt ; security mode= †Message †gt ; lt ; transport clientCredentialType= †Windows †proxyCredentialType= †None †realm= ††/ gt ; lt ; message clientCredentialType= †Windows †negotiateServiceCredential= †true †algorithmSuite= †Default †establishSecurityContext= †true †/ gt ; lt ; /security gt ; lt ; /binding gt ; lt ; /wsHttpBinding gt ; lt ; /bindings gt ; lt ; client gt ; lt ; endpoint address= †hypertext transfer protocol: //localhost:4392/SupplierService.svc †binding= †wsHttpBinding †bindingConfiguration= †WSHttpBinding_ISupplierService †contract= †NwServices.ISupplierService †name= †WSHttpBinding_ISupplierService †gt ; lt ; individuality gt ; lt ; dns value= †localhost †/ gt ; lt ; /identity gt ; lt ; /endpoint gt ; lt ; /client gt ; lt ; /system.serviceModel gt ; There are two options to pull off and redact the WCF constellation information: you can redact straight in web.config or you can utilize the Service Configuration Editor to pull off your end points. Right-click the web.config file and take Edit Wcf Configuration. This will establish the Service Configuration Editor duologue box. Finally, you will make a Web page will name the service via the proxy category. Code Snippet 6 shows portion of the codification in the Web page that will instantiate the proxy category and name the service. Code Snippet 6 . . . SupplierServices.SupplierServiceClient testSupplier = new SupplierServices.ShipperServiceClient ( ) ; SupplierServices.Supplier provider = new SupplierServices.Supplier ( ) ; provider = testSupplier.GetSupplier ( supplierCode ) ; 5.5 New Data Controls in ASP.NET 3.5 ASP.NET 3.5 defines several new informations related controls including LinqDataSource, EntityDataSource, and ListView. 5.5.1 LinqDataSource Language-Integrated Query ( LINQ ) is a set of characteristics that adds question capablenesss to.NET linguistic communications such as C # . LINQ enables you to question informations from diverse informations beginnings in an easy mode. The lone status is that these informations beginnings must be LINQ-compatible, which means they must be supported by LINQ. LINQ can be used with SQL, XML files, objects ( such as C # arrays and aggregations ) , and ADO.NET DataSets. The LinqDataSource is new to ASP.NET 3.5 and Visual Studio 2008. It is used to recover informations from a LINQ information theoretical account. This control enables you to expose informations from a database by utilizing LINQ to SQL. Once you have generated informations categories utilizing the Object/Relational ( O/R ) interior decorator, you can adhere to those categories utilizing the LinqDataSource control. The ContextTypeName property is used in markup with the LinqDataSource to tie in the database context of your LINQ-based informations. See a scenario where you have defined a DataContext category named EmpDataContext utilizing Linq to SQL Classes in Visual Studio 2008. The following markup shows how you would link to this category utilizing the LinqDataSource control: Code Snippet 7 lt ; asp: LinqDataSource ID= †lnqEmp †runat= †waiter †ContextTypeName= †EmpDataContext †EnableDelete= †True †EnableInsert= †True †EnableUpdate= †True †OrderBy= †EmpCode †TableName= †Employees †gt ; lt ; /asp: LinqDataSource gt ; Alternatively of typing the markup shown in Code Snippet 7, you can besides utilize the Configure Data Source ace to tie in the DataContext category with the LinqDataSource control. This can be done utilizing following stairss: 1. Add a LinqDataSource control to the Web page. 2. Snap the smart ticket beside the control. 3. In the context bill of fare that is displayed, choice Configure Data Source. This will expose the Configure Data Source ace as shown in figure 5.3. Figure 5.3: Configure Data Source Wizard for LinqDataSource 4. Continue with the measure by measure process shown in the Configure Data Source ace. The LinqDataSource control allows you to specify parametric quantities, to bespeak sorting, enable paging, and more. You can besides specify questions holding Where and OrderBy clauses. The Where clause uses the WhereParameters stand foring a question twine that filters the information on the question twine. You can besides adhere a LinqDataSource control to a data-bound control. 5.5.2 EntityDataSource The EntityDataSource control is new to the.NET Framework 3.5. The EntityDataSource control enables you to entree informations utilizing the ADO.NET Entity Framework. Users who are familiar with data-bound controls will happen the EntityDataSource control similar to the SqlDataSource, LinqDataSource, and ObjectDataSource controls. The EntityDataSource control enables you to adhere informations in an Entity Data Model ( EDM ) to Web controls on a page. You construct questions utilizing snippings of Entity SQL codification and delegate them to the Where, OrderBy, GroupBy, and Select operators. You can provide parameter values to these operations from page controls, cookies, and other ASP.NET parametric quantity objects. The EntityDataSource interior decorator enables you to configure an EntityDataSource control easy at design clip. Similar to LinqDataSource, you can utilize the Configure Data Source ace of the EntityDataSource control to initialise the informations beginning. Figure 5.4 shows the ace. Initially, the ace enables you to choose a named connexion from the Web.Config file or add a connexion twine to link to the database. The 2nd page of the ace will hold content depending on whether a Select statement configured by the options on the ace is used or some other bid text is used. 5.5.3 ListView The ListView control is used to adhere and expose informations points from a information beginning. The ListView provides characteristics that support folio, screening, and grouping of points. Using the ListView control, you can execute edit, insert, and delete operations on informations without the demand for any codification. You can adhere the ListView control to informations by utilizing the DataSourceID belongings. This enables you to adhere the ListView control to a information beginning control, such as the SqlDataSource control. You can besides adhere the ListView control to informations by utilizing the DataSource belongings. This enables you to adhere to assorted objects, which includes ADO.NET datasets and informations readers and in-memory constructions such as aggregations. This attack requires that you write codifications for any extra functionality such as sorting, paging, and updating. Items that are displayed by a ListView control are defined by templets, likewise to the DataList and Repeater controls. The ListView control lets you expose informations as single points or in groups. You define the chief layout of a ListView control by making a LayoutTemplate templet. The LayoutTemplate must include a control that acts as a proxy for the information. You define content for single points utilizing the ItemTemplate templet. This templet typically contains controls that are data-bound to data columns or other single informations elements. Code Snippet 8 shows a ListView control that displays names of classs from the Categories tabular array in Library database. Code Snippet 8 lt ; caput runat= †waiter †gt ; lt ; title gt ; ListView Demo lt ; /title gt ; lt ; manner type= †text/css †gt ; .table { boundary line: thin # 000000 solid ; border-collapse: prostration ; boundary line: 1px solid # 000000 ; } table td { boundary line: 1px solid # FF0000 ; } lt ; /style gt ; lt ; /head gt ; lt ; organic structure gt ; lt ; signifier id= †form1 †runat= †waiter †gt ; lt ; div gt ; lt ; /div gt ; lt ; br / gt ; lt ; br / gt ; lt ; asp: ListView runat= †waiter †ID= †ListView1 †DataSourceID= †SqlDataSource1 †gt ; lt ; LayoutTemplate gt ; lt ; table runat= †waiter †id= †table1 †class= †tabular array †gt ; lt ; tr runat= †waiter †id= †itemPlaceholder †gt ; lt ; /tr gt ; lt ; /table gt ; lt ; /LayoutTemplate gt ; lt ; ItemTemplate gt ; lt ; tr id= †Tr1 †runat= †waiter †gt ; lt ; td id= †Td1 †runat= †waiter †gt ; lt ; %  Data-bound content.  % gt ; lt ; asp: Label ID= †NameLabel †runat= †waiter †Text= ‘ lt ; % # Eval ( â€Å" Category †) % gt ; ‘ / gt ; lt ; /td gt ; lt ; /tr gt ; lt ; /ItemTemplate gt ; lt ; /asp: ListView gt ; lt ; asp: SqlDataSource ID= †SqlDataSource1 †runat= †waiter †ConnectionString= †lt ; % $ ConnectionStrings: LibraryConnectionString % gt ; †SelectCommand= †SELECT [ CategoryID ] , [ Category ] FROM [ BookCategories ] †gt ; lt ; /asp: SqlDataSource gt ; The end product of this markup is seen in figure 5.6. 5.6 Globalization .NET Framework 4 .NET Framework 3.0 Ocular Studio 2005 Ocular Studio.NET 2003 ASP.NET allows you to develop Web applications that can be accessed by 1000000s of users across the Earth. This means that the Web applications should be created taking into consideration the demands of users from assorted parts of the universe. Therefore, you need to internationalise your application to do it accessible to users belonging to different states, parts, civilizations, linguistic communications, and so on. Globalizationinvolves the procedure of developing Web applications that can be used by users from different parts of the universe. These Web applications will be independent of the linguistic communication and civilization. In short, globalising an application involves doing your application readable to a broad scope of users irrespective the cultural and regional differences. See a scenario of a medical research company in New York. The company has created a Web application that displays the consequences of different researches carried out by the company. The Web application is created sing a broad scope of users of different linguistic communications and civilizations. This means that the Web site is civilization and linguistic communication specific. Therefore, for a user from United States, the Web site content appears in English and for the user from France, the Web site content appears in French, and so on. But, the company wants to follow a standard format while stand foring the medical marks and symbols. This means that irrespective of the user ‘s location, the marks and symbols should look same. To implement this, developers can globalise the Web application. Using ASP.NET, you can make Web applications that can automatically set civilization, and arrange day of the months and currency harmonizing to user demands. ASP.NET supports globalisation by supplying the System.Globalization namespace. The System.Globalization namespace provides a set of categories to construct applications that can be supported across the Earth. These categories allow you to cover with assorted globalisation issues such as civilization, part, calendar support, and date-time data format. Table 5.1 lists the normally used categories of the System.Globalizationnamespace. Class Description Calendar This category represents yearss in hebdomads, months, and old ages. It is the basal category for other civilization specific calendars such as GregorianCalendar, JapaneseCalendar, and KoreanCalendar CultureInfo This category provides culture-specific information such as name of the civilization and linguistic communication NumberFormatInfo This category represents the manner the numeral values are formatted and displayed for a specific civilization RegionInfo This category provides information about country/region such as country/region name and two missive codification defined in ISO 3166 Table 5.1: Normally Used Classs of System.Globalization For illustration, to expose the currency symbol of the current civilization in your Web application, the codification shown in Code Snippet 9 will be used. Code Snippet 9 CultureInfo curie = System.Threading.CurrentThread.CurrentCulture ; NumberFormatInfo nfi = ci.NumberFormat ; Response.Write ( â€Å" Currency Symbol: â€Å" + nfi.CurrencySymbol + â€Å" lt ; BR gt ; †) ; If the current civilization is US, the currency symbol displayed as a consequence of Code Snippet 9 will be $ . You can put the civilization or an ASP.NET Web page declaratively utilizing one of two attacks: Add a globalisation subdivision to the web.config file, and so put the uiculture and civilization properties, as shown: lt ; globalisation uiCulture= †Es †culture= †es-MX †/ gt ; This sets the UI civilization and civilization for all pages, Set the Culture and UICulture attributes of the @ Page directive, as shown in the undermentioned illustration: lt ; % @ Page UICulture= †Es †Culture= †es-MX †% gt ; This sets the UI civilization and civilization for an single page, .NET Framework 4 Ocular Studio 2005 A resource file is used to hive away user interface strings for interpreting the application into other linguistic communications. It is a utile constituent in the procedure of globalisation and localisation. Resource files are stored in XML format and contain strings, image file waies, and other resources. This is because you can make a separate resource file for each linguistic communication into which you want to interpret a Web page. The stairss to make a resource file are as follows: Ensure that your Web site has a booklet such as App_GlobalResources in which to hive away the resource file. You can add such a booklet by right-clicking on the Website name in Solution Explorer and choosing Add ASP.NET Folder and so choosing App_GlobalResources as shown in figure 5.7. Right-click the App_GlobalResources booklet, and so snap Add New Item. This will make a resource file, In the Add New Item duologue box, under Ocular Studio installed templets, click Resource File. In the Name box, stipulate a name for the resource file and so snap Add. The Resources Editor window glass is displayed where you can type names ( keys ) , values, and optional remarks bespeaking each resource point. Type appropriate key names and values for each resource that you need in your application, and so salvage the file. To make resource files for extra linguistic communications, copy the file in Solution Explorer or in Windows Explorer, and so rename it utilizing the syntax filename.language-culture.resx. For case, if you create a planetary resource file named Resources.resx for interlingual rendition to Spanish ( Mexico ) , you will call the copied file Open the copied file and interpret each value, go forthing the names ( keys ) the same. Perform and reiterate stairss 6 and 7 for each extra linguistic communication that you want to utilize. 5.8 Accessibility Support in ASP.NET .NET Framework 4 .NET Framework 3.0 Ocular Studio 2005 Accessible Web applications enable people with disablements to utilize assistive engineerings, such as screen readers, to work with Web pages. ASP.NET can assist you make accessible Web applications. ASP.NET controls support handiness criterions including Web Content Accessibility Guidelines 1.0 ( WCAG ) to a great extent. However, sometimes ASP.NET controls produce consequences that fail to follow with all handiness criterions. In such instances, you will necessitate to manually configure the controls for handiness. You can configure keyboard support for your pages in ASP.NET utilizing one of these attacks: Set check order for controls utilizing the TabIndex belongings. Stipulate a default button for a signifier or Panel control by puting the DefaultButton belongings. Define entree keys for button controls by puting the AccessKey belongings. Use Label controls with text boxes, which let you specify entree keys for the text boxes. 5.9 Mobile Applications in ASP.NET 3.5 Today, in major parts of the universe, a nomadic phone is no longer a luxury but a necessity. Mobile devices such as smartphones, Personal Digital Assistants ( PDAs ) , and others have become indispensable appliances and back up many powerful characteristics that make life easier and well-organized. These nomadic devices can hold a figure of applications installed on them. Mobile application development is hence considered to be a important portion of a developer ‘s skillset. As an ASP.NET developer, it is imperative for you to be familiar with the creative activity of both Web and nomadic applications. 5.9.1 Mobile Application Creation in ASP.NET 3.5 In earlier versions of Ocular Studio before Visual Studio 2008, there was built-in interior decorator support for developing nomadic Web applications. The IDE provided an application templet utilizing which you could make a new nomadic Web application. An point templet allowed you to custom-make the show and visual aspect of controls in Design View. Using the interior decorator, you could work with nomadic Web signifiers and nomadic Web user controls in Design View. The IDE besides provided tool chest and design-time layout support which made the undertaking of working with ASP.NET Mobile Web applications simple and easy. However, from Ocular Studio 2008 onwards, there is no reinforced -in interior decorator support for developing nomadic Web applications. You can still make and work with nomadic Web applications by utilizing downloaded templets from the Web. The stairss to make this are listed below: Download ASP.NET Mobile from hypertext transfer protocol: // Extract the nothing file. This will ensue in a figure of other nothing files. Copy the nothing files with file names stoping with â€Å" _cs †to: [ My Documents ] Visual Studio 2008TemplatesItemTemplatesVisual C # . Restart Visual Studio. Create an empty Website as shown in Figure 5.8. Select WebsiteaAdd New Item. The Add New Item duologue box will expose the freshly added templates available as shown in figure 5.9. Choose the templet Mobile Web Form as shown in figure 5.10 and click Add. A nomadic Web signifier will be added to the Website application. Switch to the codification position. You will detect that the Default category inherits from System.Web.UI.MobileControls.MobilePage. An alternate manner of making Mobile Web signifiers in Ocular Studio 2008 is to add a Web signifier to your application and so modify the page category declaration to inherit from System.Web.UI.MobileControls.MobilePage. Once the Mobile Web page is created utilizing either of these two attacks, you can so put nomadic Web controls onto the page by dragging them from the Toolbox or by typing markup and properties. Code Snippet 10 demonstrates how to make a simple nomadic signifier with a Panel and a Label control. Code Snippet 10 lt ; % @ Page Language= †C # †AutoEventWireup= †true †CodeFile= †Default.aspx.cs †Inherits= †_Default †% gt ; lt ; % @ Register TagPrefix= †Mobile †Namespace= †System.Web.UI.MobileControls †Assembly= †System.Web.Mobile †% gt ; lt ; html xmlns= †hypertext transfer protocol: // †gt ; lt ; organic structure gt ; lt ; nomadic: Form id= †Form1 †runat= †waiter †BackColor= †# 99ffcc †gt ; lt ; Mobile: Label Name= †lblMessage †runat= †waiter †Font-Bold= †True †ForeColor= †Blue †Font-Size= †Large †gt ; Welcome, this is exciting lt ; /mobile: Label gt ; lt ; br gt ; lt ; /br gt ; lt ; Mobile: Image ID= †Image1 †Runat= †waiter †ImageUrl= †Garden.jpg †gt ; lt ; /mobile: Image gt ; lt ; /mobile: Form gt ; lt ; /body gt ; lt ; /html gt ; Save and construct the application. 5.9.2 Executing Mobile Applications The stairss to prove this application are as follows: Install the Windows Mobile Device Center if it is non already installed. Install Windows Mobile 6.0 Professional SDK Refresh if it is non already installed. Select Tools- gt ; Device Emulator Manager in the Visual Studio 2008 IDE. Right-click Windows Mobile 6.0 Professional Emulator in the Device Emulator Manager duologue box and choice Connect. Right-click Windows Mobile 6.0 Professional Emulator in the Device Emulator Manager duologue box and choice Cradle. Windows Mobile Device Center ( WMDC ) is opened. Ensure that the connexion puting on WMDC is set to DMA. If you are utilizing a Work web to link to the Internet, so choose â€Å" This computing machine connects to Work Network. †Launch Internet Explorer on the copycat and navigate to the URL of your nomadic Web application. Assuming that the local machine name is test, the end product will be as shown in figure 5.11. You can besides utilize the IP reference of the machine alternatively of machine name. 5.9.3 Mobile Device Capabilities Peoples around the universe usage different nomadic devices. These devices may differ in show sizes and capablenesss. If a Web developer develops a Web application for a specific nomadic device, it may non work when exported to other nomadic devices. To get the better of this job, there is a demand of some agencies of device filtering. Device filtering is the procedure of custom-making nomadic Web waiter controls to correctly expose them on select nomadic devices. Using device filters, nomadic Web applications can custom-make the visual aspect of controls for specific hardware devices. The customization is based on the capablenesss of the hardware device being used to shop the application. Device filters are used to custom-make the behaviour of Web waiter controls depending on the browser or device that accesses them. Typically, the web.config file shops device capablenesss in the lt ; deviceFilters gt ; subdivision. By default, your nomadic Web application in.NET Framework 3.5 and Visual Studio 2008 may non hold a web.config file. To add it, launch the Add New Item duologue box and choose the Mobile Web Configuration point templet as shown in figure 5.12. The web.config will incorporate undermentioned device filters by default in the lt ; deviceFilters gt ; subdivision: lt ; deviceFilters gt ; lt ; filter name= †isJPhone †compare= †Type †argument= †J-Phone †/ gt ; lt ; filter name= †isHTML32 †compare= †PreferredRenderingType †argument= †html32 †/ gt ; lt ; filter name= †isWML11 †compare= †PreferredRenderingType †argument= †wml11 †/ gt ; lt ; filter name= †isCHTML10 †compare= †PreferredRenderingType †argument= †chtml10 †/ gt ; lt ; filter name= †isGoAmerica †compare= †Browser †argument= †Go.Web †/ gt ; lt ; filter name= †isMME †compare= †Browser †argument= †Microsoft Mobile Explorer †/ gt ; lt ; filter name= †isMyPalm †compare= †Browser †argument= †MyPalm †/ gt ; lt ; filter name= †isPocketIE †compare= †Browser †argument= †Pocket IE †/ gt ; lt ; filter name= †isUP3x †compare= †Type †argument= † 3.x Browser †/ gt ; lt ; filter name= †isUP4x †compare= †Type †argument= † 4.x Browser †/ gt ; lt ; filter name= †isEricssonR380 †compare= †Type †argument= †Ericsson R380 †/ gt ; lt ; filter name= †isNokia7110 †compare= †Type †argument= †Nokia 7110 †/ gt ; lt ; filter name= †prefersGIF †compare= †PreferredImageMIME †argument= †image/gif †/ gt ; lt ; filter name= †prefersWBMP †compare= †PreferredImageMIME †argument= †image/vnd.wap.wbmp †/ gt ; lt ; filter name= †supportsColor †compare= †IsColor †argument= †true †/ gt ; lt ; filter name= †supportsCookies †compare= †Cookies †argument= †true †/ gt ; lt ; filter name= †supportsJavaScript †compare= †Javascript †argument= †true †/ gt ; lt ; filter name= †supportsVoiceCalls †compare= †CanInitiateVoiceCall †argument= †true †/ gt ; lt ; /deviceFilters gt ; ASP.NET provides the HasCapability ( ) method in the MobileCapabilities category to find device capablenesss for nomadic devices. The method takes two parametric quantities. The first is a twine stipulating a delegateName that will indicate to the device rating method, belongings name, or so forth and the 2nd parametric quantity is any value that the capabilityName statement requires. The 2nd parametric quantity is optional. The HasCapability ( ) method enables you to find through codification whether the current device lucifers any device filter specified in the web.config file. Code Snippet 11 shows the usage of HasCapability ( ) method. Code Snippet 11: attempt { bool consequence = ( ( MobileCapabilities ) Request.Browser ) .HasCapability ( â€Å" supportsColor †, null ) ; txtvwMessage.Text = answer.ToString ( ) ; } gimmick ( ArgumentOutOfRangeException ) { txtvwMessage.Text = â€Å" false †; } Here, the codification tries to look into whether there is any device filter named supportsColor defined in the web.config file. If yes, it assigns the true value to the TextView control, txtvwMessage. If there is no such filter defined, an ArgumentOutOfRangeException is raised and a value of false is assigned to the TextView control, txtvwMessage. In the web.config file shown earlier, there is a filter named supportsColor. Therefore, the result of Code Snippet 11 is that the TextView shows true. 5.9.4 Using the DeviceSpecific Control The procedure of rendering a control otherwise based on the browser that requested the Web page is called adaptative rendition. You use the DeviceSpecific component in ASP.NET Mobile applications to implement adaptative rendition. One or more lt ; Choice gt ; elements incorporating different versions of the content aiming different devices are placed inside the lt ; DeviceSpecific gt ; component, as shown in Code Snippet 12. Code Snippet 12 lt ; nomadic: Form id= †frmTest †runat= †waiter †gt ; lt ; Mobile: Label Runat= †waiter †ID= †Label1 †gt ; Welcome lt ; DeviceSpecific gt ; lt ; Choice Filter= †isPocketIE †Font-Italic= †True †Font-Name= †Arial Black †/ gt ; lt ; Choice Filter= †isNokia7110 †ForeColor= †Magenta †/ gt ; lt ; /DeviceSpecific gt ; lt ; /mobile: Label gt ; lt ; /mobile: Form gt ; Choices are evaluated from the first lt ; Choice gt ; component to the last. Each pick includes a Filter component. If the device satisfies the Filter so the content within that pick is displayed to the client. The last pick in the above illustration has no Filter. The content in this pick shows on all of the devices that satisfy none of the filters. The Filter property of the lt ; Choice gt ; component can besides mention to a filter in the web.config file. Drumhead WCF is a incorporate scheduling theoretical account that helps to make distributed applications utilizing.NET engineerings. ASP.NET 3.5 defines several new informations related controls including LinqDataSource, EntityDataSource, and ListView. Globalization involves the procedure of developing Web applications that can be used by users from different parts of the universe. A resource file is used to hive away user interface strings for interpreting the application into other linguistic communications and plays an of import function in globalisation. Most ASP.NET controls provide constitutional support for handiness in Web applications. ASP.NET 3.5 enables you to develop nomadic Web applications. Mobile device capablenesss differ from device to device and are specified utilizing lt ; deviceFilters gt ; in web.config file. How to cite Wcf services, data access, and other features, Essay examples
Friday, May 1, 2020
ARGUMENTS ON THE CAUSE OF THE Essay Example For Students
ARGUMENTS ON THE CAUSE OF THE Essay AMERICAN REVOLUTIONIn the four articles I read Louis Hacker, Charles Andrews, Oliver Dickerson, and Lawrence Gipson have quite different views on what might have caused the American Revolution. Louis Hacker reflected that there were economic and social causes. Charles Andrew associated the presents of political and constitutional problems with the cause of the revolution. Oliver Dickerson engrosses the thought that the navigational Acts were a small cause but not the main one. Lastly Lawrence Gipson speculated that the Great War caused it. Perhaps all are correct, perhaps the other way around. Louis Hacker simply suggest that there were economic and social problems. There was conflict between the colonies and England. Formulation of a wise program regarding the Indian problem, as well as a system of defense, and revenue were the three things the Western Empire was based on. England had to gain control of American economy by establishing tax measures. According to Beer, the purpose of their program was to protect the English capitalist because at that point it was being jeopardized in account of the intensification s of colonial capitalist competition. The colonies wanted to exchange goods without being taxed and governed by England. By trading with other countries the English mercantile system was going down hill. The colonies then decided to buy and trade from other countries and in result the Englands economic system failed. Charles Andrews had another theory, which involved the political and constitutional problems. The British Parliament and the colonial assemblies believed they were superior to the voting public that they represented. So the people started to dispute the Parliaments powers and it became their enemy. The colonies set up a constitutional organization resembling the British system. Britain was not happy because they had little control over it and that led to the revolt. Oliver Dickerson states that the navigational Acts was part to blame but not as much as excessive taxation and fees. At the beginning England and America got along. Then America became more prosperous, and England wanted to clip Americas wings, so England introduced the Navigational Acts. When America did not comply with the acts , England was not happy. England became even more fasicious and gave the colonials heavier taxation and excessive fees. And that became the main problems setting the revolution off. Finally Lawrence Gipson speculates the Great War as the antagonist to the revolt. The Great War for the Empire gave the colonies victory for the first time over the French, their Indian allies and the Spaniards. By these victories it gave the colonies freedom to expand in wealth, land, and as an over all country. The colonies felt a desire for freedom. This had never happened before. Even though England and them had been friends for years, their friendship would be destroyed. England tried to regain America again but by this measure the American Revolution broke out and America would soon be independent. Either way you perceive the causes of the American Revolutionits very obvious that England was to dominating for their own good, and the colonies were not going to tolerate it. In almost all of the articles there is something about England wanting control over the colonies. Ranging from raising the taxes to regulate who they buy and sell from to the colonies constitution. If I had to write an article explaining what I thought was the cause I would simple say that England wanted way too much control.
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