Saturday, May 23, 2020
The Decision Of Ending A Relationship - 911 Words
The term divorce is defined as the end of the marriage between a husband and wife with the help of the court (Department of justice, 2015). This particular idea of divorce come into encounter when happiness within a relationship has been disappeared and issues like financial crises, domestic violence or extra marital affairs with other people. Within a family, parental divorce affects children emotionally, psychologically and boys are more affected by divorce than girls. The decision of ending a relationship can be very traumatic and chaotic. It is also filled contradictory occurrence of emotional feelings for example children ages three to five experience emotions like shock, anger; they also feel depressed as their parents are breaking their marriage. The feeling of guilt appears when suddenly children start to think that they are at fault because his or her parents are breaking apart (Hooper, 2006, p. 33-34). Children also go through separation anxiety when the talks of divorce are going on as they have been attached to both of their parents and the environment of an enact family they were living in.When children are six years old, they get aware that their parents are not going to be together anymore; these children think that as of now there is no one to take care or love them. Children also start to feel abandoned and rejected because their parents are constantly fighting, they say words like â€Å"I am going away†or discuss with whom the child will live. When a childShow MoreRelatedFate And Free Will : William Shakespeare s Romeo And Juliet1301 Words  | 6 Pagessuggests that Romeo and Juliet’s relationship is built upon fate and free-will. There are many critics who argue fate is what makes up this play in its entirety due to the various fate related ideas evoked throughout it. 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